Rose Red Skin

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Sorry I haven't updated this story yet >_< I have drafts but I didn't publish them yet so here you go :3

Miku's P.O.V.

I decide to quickly shower hopefully Rin won't mind. I take of my shirt and my pants and continue to sing. I hear stomping foot steps... Then...

Len slams open the door. I stop singing and just stare. I hope this isn't a prank. My face is burning up and it must be red as a rose. Len just keeps staring at me even he's red!

He finally speaks up.
" GOMEN MIKU-CHAN eto.... I-I heard you singing and I really loved your voice I did not mean to see you like this."

He quickly shuts the door and I just stand there in shock but I slowly piece myself together and take my original planned quick shower. After I get dressed in panda pajamas and comb my long teal hair. I walked out of the bathroom smelling a lovely scent. I smelt pizza coming from the hallway and I noticed Len's bedroom door shut tight.

Maybe I should go talk to him...just to make sure he doesn't think it's his fault. I slowly walk to his bedroom and knock on the door I hear music blasting so he probably can't hear my knocks. I open the door slowly and I see Len laying in his bed in black and blue boxers listening to Bring Me the Horizon.

Oh boy.

Len's P.O.V.
After the shower inncident with Miku-chan I felt weird about her. Usually I have no feelings of guilt for anyone since no one cares about me. I strip from my shirt and pants to just my boxers because it's getting hot or ... I don't know. I lay on my bed and listen to Happy Song by Bring Me the Horizon. It must have been 25 minutes because it was a different song and I saw Miku-chan standing in my room with panda bear shorts and panda bear half shirt pjs. God she's so cute why must I be in boxers now...

I stand up with a pillow in my hands covering my excited friend  and Miku starts talking before I could.

"Len-San I came to tell you that what happened earlier isn't your fault. It was no ones... But your reaction to my bare skin was pretty cute." She giggles and looks down.

I was in shock I didn't know what to say. Miku-chan called me cute. I feel like a 12 year old boy who saw his first crush look at him. I accidentally dropped my pillow while spacing out and Miku-chan saw.


"Miku-chan... I'm sorry I can't control it seeing you in those pajamas.. I feel like a perv I'm sorry."

Miku-chan blushes so much she's as red as a rose. She starts walking over to me and I'm worried why. Is she gonna slap me? Kick me? Instead she doesn't. She looks up at me and kisses my jaw and strokes my ab line. Then she walks away. I've never felt so teased in my life.

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