Two Paths

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Hey guys I'm back to working on this story! I was having some writers block on what to do next. I'm still unsure but I bet you will like it anyways hehehe ! The end of this book is near which is sad I didn't know it was going to do so well but I'm so thankful for all of you 😘.

Miku's POV

We all sit in the living room, me and Len on the same couch and my parents... on the other couch. Len's mother and Rin stand by me with their arms crossed. The air is full of questions and my brain feels like it's going to explode. My only question that seems to come out is:

" Why are you here now?" I say trying to fight my voice from cracking.
Len grabs my hand and we lace our fingers together. He comforts me and I start to feel more relaxed.
" You see...Miku... we had planned to leave you in foster care because... well we couldn't afford to take care of you. We wanted to wait till we had enough to give you the life we never got.... but we lost you in the system... no foster care agency could track you and then finally when we did find your last home they said you ran away I-"
" Foster care was the worst years of my life. I'd rather life a poor girl then ever go back into the system ever again." I say sternly.
" Honey- I - we... we had no idea, we just wanted our little girl to have her own room and food and future. Oh gosh I don't mean to cry. But uh how about have a week to decide about what you want to do. I mean you are 18 after." My mother...says.
" Sorry we are a bit late my dear." My dad says looking sad while handing my mom a tissue. 
" Okay. Okay. Thank you but you must all go now. I have to think. " I say staring at the floor.
They head out the door and my mom looks back before heading into her BMW. I shut the door and all of them are staring at me. Waiting for my answer. But I don't give them one I way past them and go into my room and lock the door. I grab my bunny pillow and I hug it tight. Till the tears start to come out.

Len's POV

I watch in nervousness as Miku closes the door. Her face looks tired and defeated. She walks right past me and I can feel the sadness wash right over her head. How could her parents do that ? Now? When she's already old enough to move out? I want to run to Miku embrace her and kiss her but I don't know if I should let her be alone. All these emotions mixed in the air have everyone else tired. My mom hasn't even started dinner and probably won't tonight. Rin is in her room probably trying to create something for Miku. I head to my room and pace around hoping and wondering if Miku is okay. It's been an hour and I decided to should go in and check on her. I carefully open her door and I see her lying in her bed. She is tucked in the corner sleeping on top of her stuffies. I move her over and I see mascara all over her face. My poor angel has been crying! I look around for face wipes and I find some in her dresser. I carefully wipe off her make up and then I take take off her clothes and put my shirt on her. She is barely awake and mumbles a bit as I try to do it all very softly. I change into my pajama bottoms and slide into bed next to her and fall quickly asleep.

Miku's POV

Mommy is here my song bird. Look at mommy look here ! Smile !

Wait- honey ? What's the noise ? Honey ?! The house!!! The house! Our home. The baby!!!!!!!!

I jolt awake.
I see Len staring at me. He smiles weakly and pulls me closer.
" What made you jump Miku-chan?" He asks softly.
" I... I- I saw my parents. In my dream. They...they were in the kitchen cooking with me and - it was a very nice home. The stove. Behind me. It burned and there was fire and smoke and screaming. Oh Len !" I say as I burst into tears.

Three days go by and I have not left my room for any reason. But to use the bathroom. I haven't showers or brushed my teeth or eaten anything at all. Len always gives me constant looks of worries. He never stops trying to get me up or to do something. I love him for that. Right now I just really wanna lay here for a long time. All of a sudden I hear stomping down the hall and I hear Len get shoved out of the way.
She walks over to Miku and and drags her to her bathroom.
" No peaking you hentai!" She says pointing to Len with an angry face.

20 min later I have been bathed and my teeth are clean and I feel slightly cleansed. Rin commands me to put on sweats and a t-shirt and she brushes my hair into a pony tail and sprays me with some of her cherry blossom perfume.
She smiles at me when her work is complete. I hope I can go back to bed- she grabs me, Len and her wallet and demands Len to drop us off at the mall.
"Rin I'm tired." I say rubbing my eyes.
" You have had three days of sleep you have had enough." She says laughing.
We get to the mall and she sends Len away and whispers something to him. He drives away and we head into the mall. The outdoor air feels good on my skin. We walk past some shops till I see a dress in the cute pastel store window. It has is a off the shoulder baby pink dress with a tight waist and in the back is a heart cut out. It comes with a matching heart collar.
" I thought I would finally take you shopping for a new wardrobe ! Take your mind off things?" She says smiling.
" But....your-" she cuts me off.
" Don't worry about me spending my money ! I have a job and plenty of clothes myself. Besides you need a little bit of good old retail therapy!!!!!" She says laughing and holding her wallet in the air.
We walk into the store and pick out the dress. We grab tons of cute pastel and kawaii clothes for me to try on and I try on at least 50 different outfits. I spend hours trying on different styles and looks. Making silly faces at Rin. I feel good and happy. We bring my clothes over to the register. We have at least 10 bags each! I've never felt like such a queen... then Rin calls Len to come take the bags. He comes into the mall and his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Rin hands him all the bags and he carefully tries to balance them back to the car. I mouth to him " I'm sorry!".
Then Rin drags me to a nail salon and I get to pick out any color I want. I chose lavender with yellow heart design on my thumbs. Rin basically gives us a spa treatment. After that we call Len back after 3 hours at the mall and she tells me to go pick out an outfit I bought and make sure it's comfy.

I head to my room and pick out a white half shirt and a yellow skirt and white sneakers with pink knee high socks. I also add on a silver necklace. I put on some mascara and lip gloss and then I go into the living room. I see Len dress in blue jeans, a white shirt, and a green flannel. We head to the car and Rin pushes me out the door giggling. I wonder what the planned now... me and Len drive for a while till we are in an open field and he tells me to wait 10 min in the car. Finally he lets me out and then I see a truck bed full of blankets and a small little picnic with leek cakes and soup!!!

I kiss Len under the stars with a full belly. I think....

I have made my decision.

"Len I know what I'm gonna tell my parents" I say as he quickly turns over to me.

Mwhahaha what will Miku say !? Find out soon ^o~ / !!!

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