The End of It All

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First off I'd like to say 2.02k reads wtf guys?!? I love you !!! UwU like idk why any one reasons pls tell me why cx? Tysm! second I'm probably gonna end this book soon, maybe make a second one ;) we shall see ! Pls pls pls check out my other works pls 0:)

Miku's POV

" Time to die bitch."

Is this then end? Is this where I say goodbye? The high school bathroom where I leave behind Rin and all my new friends? Even Len? No... I will be strong for myself. Myself and Len.

"Luna you don't understand do you." I say which stops her in her tracks.
"What the fuck are you talking about, if I say you are gonna die you will die." She hisses.
"No I'm not." I say as a matter of factly.

All of a sudden she charges at me and then the bathroom door slams open and in comes him. Tall golden locks gracefully fall on his face and his clean cut outfit and hidden muscular figure sneakily peaks through the outline of his white shirt. Luna is so shocked some one caught her, she drops her blade and her jaw drops.

" You are going to jail Luna, don't you realize how stupid your actions were. Killing someone isn't as easy as you think." He laughs and gives her a death stare.
" ...NO!" Luna shouts, as her plan has been foiled.

She tries to pick up her knife but Len is too swift and steps on her hand which make her wince in pain.
" I don't think so, you have had enough fun and games for one day." He says like I've never seen him talk to anyone before.

Later me and Len are sitting in the school office. Len had taken the knife and grabbed Luna's arms and placed the knife back in her pocket. He and I dragged her all the way to the principals office and we were claimed the hero of the day. The cops were called and they confiscated her knife and took her away. I had to answer a few questions but I got too anxious... I was afraid they were gonna take me away. Instead they told me since I'm almost 18 in a few days it shouldn't matter as long as I'm not causing trouble or homeless.

I'm free! Free from misery it has ended . I don't have to worry about my drawings being burned or going back to the foster home. Or being considered clumsy or dumb, I'm a hero!

" Hey baby are you okay ?" Len asks me and I nearly melt.
" Yes I'm fine, are you okay? You never acted like that before." I say nervously.
" I don't know what came out of me either, just seeing a knife and your life on the line brought it out I can't bare to see you get hurt. You are so precious to me Miku." He says holding his hand to my cheek and I blush.
" I'm glad that this is over Len, we did it we really did it." I smile and hug him closer.
" We did Miku, I love you so much." He says softly.

Len's POV

What I've seen and what I've been through... I don't know if I should tell her or keep it a secret. There are so many better things I could have said to Luna, that wasn't me to talk like that. I know who I am and the person I am in the school walls isn't me. I can't help it.

I wake up at 2 am and see Miku peacefully sleeping next to me. Her face is so soft and beautiful when she sleeps even if she's drooling a little. I want to share my secret with her but I'm afraid she will run or hide from me. Think I'm weird and leave me all alone again. I've never felt so safe with someone but I don't know why I can't tell her.

Hey Len what's with the glasses you look like a weirdo
Len why do you look like that you must eat 10 meals a day.
What a loser you will never have friends
You suck and you are so not cool

Everyday, the names l was used to by that point but all those people telling me I would never amount to anything really hurt. I cried every night when I was 12 up to when was 16 things started to change. I started working out and dressing nicely and I grew out my hair. I just want to be someone else instead of the Len I use to be. At school I started to play pretend and be a guy who never let his guard down. That's why when Luna was there that was my moment to play the true cool guy, save the school from a murder. But all I really wanted to do was save Miku...

Miku wakes up and sees me sitting on the side of the bed.
" Hey hunny come back and sleep, are you okay ?" She says in her cutie sleepy voice.
" Hm not really, I just... I want to be normal..." I say softly.
" What's wrong baby." She says starting to wake up more and crawling to my side.
" I just want to tell you something , that I've never told anyone... I'm just nervous." I say in all honesty.
"Well whatever you have to say I won't judge you for anything... unless of course it's something criminal...hehe. She says playfully.
" Okay well.... remember how you asked why I acted so strange? Well it was because... I was bullied as a child... I just wanted to fit in so I put on this fake act at school and I can't take it off, but when I'm with you it falls off.
" Oh Len you are already amazing in my eyes you don't need to pretend to be someone your not to fit in." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

My heart melts and we both lay back down under the covers and fall blissfully asleep.

7:00 am rolls around and we wake up for school. Miku looks so cute in her pigtails and little night gown. All of a sudden I hear my mom call Miku's name. It's not her usual voice... I heard it shake...
We head out into the living room and there stands two adults who look just like Miku.
" Hi, this might be a bit sudden but we are Miku's biological parents."

"What the fuck." Miku and I say in sync.

Bet cha didn't expect that ending muwhahaah >:) like share comment follow dance scream !Also pls pls pls check out my other works I beg you :,( 💗 ily

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