Want to go on a date?

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Sorry I haven't updated I felt kinda weird about writing an erotica but all you guys seem to enjoy it just as much as I do ^-^ so here's the update you have all been waiting for ;)

Miku's POV

Well.... This is ...awkward...

Rin had just knocked on the door loudly as ever calling for Len. Len had a panicked look on his face and I had to do something quick.

"Len," I whisper "tell her you are here trust me."

"I'm in here Rin!! Kinda busy showering !" Len says with a slight sound of nervousness

"Oh okay Len!! I just can't find Miku!!"

Crap hmm

" I'm in here as well!!!" I say and Len looks at me in terror.

"Oh... Well enjoy!!!" Rin giggled and she leaves the door way

Len just looks at me in shock so I speak for him

" I know it sounds crazy but we can always say we are saving water!"

Len giggles and we finish showering together, lathering soap on each other and making soap beards. That was the best shower I've ever had.

Len's POV

I'm not sure why Miku told Rin we were showering together. It's just odd for my sister to know my sex life, but Miku is unpredictable... Maybe I should get to know her better instead of feeling like I'm using her..? What am I saying ?? I've never felt like getting to know a girl before ...

Then Rin walks in my room and says
"You better take my new best friend on a date." And she walks away.

That's it!!! A date!!! That way I can get to know her better so incidents like this happen less...

After we showered Miku had to go home to feed her cat... I don't know if she has one but I called her and ask if I can stop by her house and she almost freaks out.

"I-I-I NO! I mean uh well..."
"Miku is everything okay?"
"Y-yes I uh I'm fine... You can come over... Meet me by Pine street..."
"Okay see you soon."

I walk 15 minutes to pine street and I don't see Miku anywhere. Then all of a sudden I feel a tug at my shirt from behind 2 big trees. It's Miku , she tells me to follow her and we walk thru the forest which turns into a trail. After 20 minutes we end up at a small cottage that looks empty.

" W-welcome t-to my home ...."
Miku says ashamed.

" Miku..? How did you end up here by yourself ?"

" I - I ," she starts to tear up " Can we please go inside first?"

"Of course Miku-chan."

We walk inside the front door and I have to admit the place is really outta shape and destroyed but at the same time it's so beautiful. It's an open concept house with a small kitchen and a tiny bathroom. It seems as if Miku took all her furniture off the streets. It's cute and suits her. There's a half of a second floor entered only by a latter which leads us to Miku's bedroom. It's scattered with drawings and painting and tons of art supplies and sketch books. Her bed takes up half the space and is covered in soft pink bed sheets. We sit down on her bed and she pours out her life to me.

"When I was 13 my parents died in a big house fire. I woke up to the crash of a fire woman smashing open my bedroom door. After I was brought outside away from the fire I waited and waited for my parents to be saved but it was too late. I was sent to 3 different foster homes and hated all of them. The last one I was at I met their older daughter Luna. She constantly assaulted me verbal and physically. I told her parents but they just told me I was being a brat. So I ran 3 cities away and I made it to this one. I was so tired my trip took a week and a half. I saw cop cars and was constantly in fear I would be taken back there. So I ran into these woods to find this small house. Over time I dye my hair and got free furniture from curb sides and learned how to cook and clean and I got small jobs to afford food like baby sitting and dog walking. I saved enough money to by art supplies and I fell in love with the way the pencil glided across the paper or the way the paint smudged."

The she fainted into my arms and began to cry.

"Please don't take me back Len don't tell them please I don't want to go."

She's been here all alone for 3 years! I can't let her be alone forever with no home or money for food.

" Miku I'm not gonna send you back but I would like you to live at my house. Please?"

Miku looked up with her big blue eyes saying yes.

We gathered up her artwork and supplies and packed all her clothes. I left to go get my car. I arrive back and we put her belongings in my car and drive back to my house. We leave behind tears and a memory of a burnt home.

Miku's POV

Words can't express my happiness for when Len offered his home to me. I feel like a bird soaring home free. This a new beginning to my life and it feels like a good one.

We arrive to his house and we bring all my stuff into the teal guest room. It's got white rugged floors, a big closet, a white dresser and matching desk. The bed was queen size up against the wall by a window. The sheets were silky white and teal pillows. Len goes into the kitchen to tell Rin the news as I put my clothes away and art stuff in my new desk. I even have my own bathroom! I hear Rin's excited scream. I turn on the bath tub and pour in some yummy vanilla bubble bath in. I pull off my yellow dress and the rest of my clothes and step into the tub.

The water is so warm and clean I feel like a queen. I hear the door open slowly and Len whispers " Is it okay if I come in?"

I say yes and he steps in closing the door quietly. He pulls over a small stool and some body soap and a loofa. I turn around and move my hair and he begins to scrub my back softly whispering,

" My beautiful Miku will you go on a date with me?"

I turn around and hug him which translates a yes, while accidentally pulling him into the tub. He takes off his wet clothing and joins me in my bath with me sitting on his lap as he lays his back against the tub. He kisses my neck and nibbles at my ears. He kisses my cheek and we dry off together.

I can't wait for my first date!

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