Kiss me harder

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Len's P.O.V
I woke up and Miku wasn't any wear. I sat up and saw her bra on my door knob... I searched my closet, under my bed but she was no where. I really had to go pee so I went for the bathroom. I closed the door and pulled my pants and stood up. As soon as I finished I felt some one grab me.


She had the most cutest sleepy face but she was naked ?! Am I going crazy?

"Konichiwa Len-chan. I was hiding in the shower because I was dreaming of showering with you..."

She was blushing so I stood her up and kissed her really hard like I meant it. I really did mean it. I pull off my boxers and shirt while Miku stayed kneeling on the floor. I turned the shower on my big white tub. Miku started rubbing me and I was trying to keep quite but it was really hard ( hehe get it hard oml I'm sorry cx)

She came close and put her mouth on it. I was breathing so heavily I was about to scream. Then she enjoy it like a Popsicle and then I let it out. A loud moan that could be heard miles away.

Miku's P.O.V.


I stared going crazy after he moaned and I don't know what to do with my self. I stop sucking and start feelin myself just to get the feeling back but then Len works his magical fingers

At this point I'm drooling and moaning as the shower is still going. He moves so fast and good. We stand up and go into the shower. Since I'm short his friend rubs against my tummy. I moan and he notices so he keeps rubbing. I love it so much.

"Len lets do it please I'm going crazy and I can't wait any longer"

"I thought you'd never ask Miku. Your so beautiful and sweet I can't help myself."

He lays me down with a soft towel to lay on and he preps to enter me. The excitement is building. Slowly it reaches and he pushes in. It hurt but then it went away. Just him inside me felt like magic

"Miku if I hurt you tell me okay I'm going to move now"

He starts moving with the shower water hitting his back and splashing my skin. I clench my fists and moan so loud I'm basically screaming and his kissing me all over I can't resist. I scratch his back probably leaving several red marks...

"Eto *pant * Len *pant* "

The water is hitting his back and he smiles at me pumping harder then before and I breathe heavier and harder.

Then I feel my a tingle sensation and pull tight and with that I climax with Len his sweet milk all over me. We are both breathing hard but the we here a knock on the bathroom door...

"Len? Are you in here?? It's meeeee Rin!"

Len & Miku "Shit."

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