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Moon, Winter, and Kinkajou had to stop Qibli. Winter was right after all. She thought. Not even Qibli can be trusted with animus magic.

"The only way to stop an animus dragon is with another animus dragon," Foeslayer pointed out.

"But where are we going to get one?" Winter cried. "Darkstalker definitely won't help us."

Kinkajou had run to her dorm room to gather supplies. Foeslayer looked back, and she shrugged. There's Anemone, but she wouldn't try to help. She hates me. Moon thought. Then it hit her.

"Turtle!" Moon suddenly cried out. Both Winter and Foeslayer jumped. Foeslayer furrowed her brow.

"Turtle, the Seawing that Kinkajou kept on talking about? He's an animus?" She asked.

Winter and Moon both nodded.

"That's great, but we have no idea where that Seawing prince is," Winter pointed out. Foeslayer shook her head.

"I think Kinkajou said something about a mountain. Jay Mountain? Perhaps?"

Moon gasped. "Jade Mountain, the one not so far from here?" She turned and looked at Winter. Winter looked worried.

"That's the most logical guess, but my sister is over there... yeah no forget that let's go get Turtle." He said, talking to himself. At this point, Kinkajou had arrived and she had bags loaded with pen and paper. She also carried Winter's wolf skin pouch and Moon's pouch, both containing their skyfire they dropped. She tossed their items to them.

Winter looked at Kinkajou funnily. "What's paper and pen going to do? Stall Qibli by making him write an essay forever?" He said sarcastically.

Moon laughed. Kinkajou stuck out her tongue at Winter.

"You have no idea when these might come in handy! Foeslayer, are you coming with us?" She asked.

Foeslayer shook her head. "I should stay here. In case Darkstalker gets too caught up in his big head."

Moon, Winter, and Kinkajou bid Foeslayer goodbye and headed off to Jade Mountain. 

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