15. NRI

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"Ahh, this is so heavy," 
I looked behind, finding Naveen who carried two whole suitcases, one on his shoulder and other was held in his hand.
"Ohh, Bahubaaliiii," mocked some of the students as he glared at them.
I wanted to help, but Ekansha had strictly forbidden me from lifting anything, so I can't.
"Give it  to me, sir," one of the guys working said as he passed the suitcase. I walked towards him.
"Where are the others?" I asked as he looked out of the door.
"Raghav and Ekansha will be the last to come as they have to look after the students, come I'll settle your room.
I nodded as we walked towards my room. Once we reached our hallway, he opened my door and gave me the keys, I saw both mine and Ekansha's suitcase there.
"Oh, by the way, the room is NOT soundproof, just saying," he said, wiggling his eyebrows as I looked at him flabbergasted.
"I don't want it to be soundproof," I said as he looked at me wide eyes as I felt my cheeks heat up.
"I mean, why would I want it to be sound proof," I tried defending myself as he rolled his eyes
"Damn, kids these days." he said, walking out of the room. 
I closed the door as I jumped over the bed, I rolled around, trying to see how comfy it was. Suddenly, I realized something.
There is only one bed.
I looked around and it was confirmed there is only one bed, a wide smile arose in my lips as I hid my face in my palm.
Me and her is the same bed.....
Thank you God!
I layed on my stomach putting my weight into my arm as rested my face in my hand.
This bed is quite big but still.....same bed.
I covered my face, kicking my feet onto the bed as I couldn't contain my excitement. 
"what the...." 
I jumped up, looking around as I saw her standing in front of the bed.
"Ahh.... when did you come here?" I asked sitting my straight as she kept her back pack on one of the couch.
"Just now, but what was that?" She question as I felt totally embarrassed.
"Uh, nothing," I mumbled looking at her who just chuckled.
"Are you sleepy? it's only 9:30 p.m," she said as I shaked my head.
"Wanna go out, some of the kids from other colleges are here, they are having a party and we could join them," she said as I quickly got up from the bed.
"Let's go!" I exclaimed grabbing her arms as she threw her head back.
"Wait wait, should I tell them to put the extra bed now or later?" She asked.
I felt my imagination shatter as I looked at her.
"The extra bed, there is only one you know, if you ask them they will put an extra one, do you want it now or after coming back," she asked, looking at me while blinking so innocently.
But....this is not how it's supposed to go!

"I think it will be better if I tell them now, because then when we come back, there will already be two beds ready." She said walking towards the door as I held her arm.
"But...there is no need, why bother them?" I questioned, trying to mentally tell her not to get the extra bed.
"Whattt!" She said, looking at me as I said something dumb.
"Madhu there is only one bed, we will have to share it if we don't get the extra one," she said as I rolled my eyes. 
"I know, we can share the bed right?" I asked, trying to show her my puppy eyes.
I walked backwards as I felt her coming closer, her face just inches below me.
We can share the bed right?
I'll die.
She looked down fidgeting with her fingers as I gulped, she looked up at me, her puppy eyes looking at me. 
I felt my legs almost give out, she is being too cute for my heart.
"You don't want to share the bed with me?" she asked looking down as I felt butterflies dancing around. 
"It will be uncomfortable right, if we get two beds we both will be comfortable," I said, trying to convince her.
I can't have her sleep right beside me, I think I will lose my senses.
How will I asleep knowing she, MADHU is sleeping right beside me?
"Oh, you must find it uncomfortable," she said, looking up at me with puppy eyes, a small pout forming on her lips as she fidgeted with her fingers.
Give me strength!
I could feel my cheeks almost heat up as the thought of her on the same bed as mine flash in my mind.
I could feel my heart beat increase, almost making me pass out.
"No, it's not like tha-" 
My words were cut off with her turning around as she said.
"It's okay, tell them to get the bed," 
Noo, don't do this too me. 
"Are you sure?" I asked, hoping to persuade her.
"Why are you asking me, it's like you care about my opinion," she said turning around with her arms folded. 
Her cheeks resembled a puffer fish, cute.
"No, it's not like that, why would you want to share the bed, it will be uncomfortable right?" I asked walking near her.
"I am not, now if you are then do what you want," she said as I sighed.
"But there will be less space right, if we get our own then you will have the whole bed," 
"Yeah, okay then, get the bed," she said, walking towards the door while stomping her feet.
"Madhuuu," I called her out as she turned 
"Are you sure you will be okay with a single bed?" I asked.
"I am okay with any, do what's suits you," she said with a pout.
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Yeah!" She said, opening the door, but to our surprise one of the workers where infront of it.
"Sorry Ma'am but we don't have any extra bed so will you be able to adjust with one?" the boy asked.
"Huh?" She said looking at him suprised
"Actually we miss calculated the number of beds so now we are asking each room, if you guys also agree to adjust then it will be alright, please Ma'am, just adjust for one night, we have ordered some extra ones and they will arrive tomorrow morning," the boy said, I looked at him totally astonished.
Woah, brother, what a great timing!
She turned looking behind me while passing me glares as I awkwardly laughed.
I walked towards the door as I said.
"Yeah, yeah, sure, no problem, we will manage," I said as she scoffed.
"Didn't you want the extra bed?" She asked as I gulped. 
"No...you can go" I said to the guy who quickly walked away as she turned to me.
"What? just tell him that you want the extra bed," she snarled as I threw my head back.
"Shall we go downstairs?" I asked trying to divert her attention.
"Yeah sure, but would you be uncomfortable hoping with me?" She taunted as I sighed.
I held her shoulders as I pushed her out and walked downstairs.
I don't know if I will get an ounce of sleep tonight.
We walked out of the hotel, I was still fuming but I could feel Ekansha trying to lighten me up.
We walked to the back of the hotel as she was saying something to cheer me up, it won't work.
Did I come of desperate?
But why would she not want to share the bed?
She is always so touchy with all of her friends but when it comes to me it feels like she tried to maintain 6 feet distance.
We reached the place, the music almost booming we made our way inside. 
I felt her grab my hand as she held it tightly, I looked at her angrily but then my eyes soften as I felt her scanning the room.
"I will be alright, don't worry too much!" I said as looked at me with a done expression.
"I can't help it, you have the tournament tomorrow, I can't let you you even get a cold," she said as I rolled my eyes.
We walked a but around and found our group all of our friends where there and some other people too.
"Heyyyy my favorite humans," said Muskan as she waved excited at us. 
I took one of the seat then suddenly I felt her leave my hand, I looked at her direction and my jaw dropped.
The same wench!
The girl who was dancing with her in the club!
She grabbed Ekansha by her collar, pulling down as she whispered something in her ear.
I felt my blood boil at the sight. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder it was Muskan.
"What are you looking at, let's get a but drunk, it helps with the cold," she said as I shook my head.
The girl was being too close with her for my liking, holding her collar every one's a while. 
Arghhhh, I will cut open her skull!
I turned towards Muskan trying to distract myself but the random laughter made me lose my senses.
"Oh, shit, Raghav come with me!" 
I looked behind and saw Ekansha say something to Raghav, he looked tensed as he pulled Naveen and walked towards the exit. Ekansha walked towards me as she said.
"Madhu, I will come back in 10 minutes, some student lost their phone." She whispered in my ear as I nodded, she ran out, leaving just me and Muskan alone with a bunch of other kids.
"What's your name?" one of the gril asked, smiling wide.
"Madhu," I said feeling awkward.
"Ohhh, I am Simi," she said laughing loudly, I got bad vibes from her.
She had golden highlights and wore a black tube top with skinny jeans. She had heavy makeup and a nose ring.
I slightly shaked Muskan who was at this point heavily drunk she got up mumbling something. 
I got up, trying to follow her but then head Simi say,
"You stay here, she can go by here self," she said laughing.
I felt very bad vibes from them, but I choose to ignore my instincts, trying to make more friends where my goal, I can't let this chance go.
I sat back, trying to put on an extroverted mask.
"Umm, will you also participate in a tournament?" I asked politely as she threw hear head back laughing.
"Yeh English vinglish kya laga rakha hain, Hindi nahi aata?" She said.
I felt my muscles grow tense as I gulped.
"Umm, actually I don't know any Hindi," I admitted as the everyone started laughing, I didn't even know they where listening. It was a group of girls and guys, sitting in a read couch. 
I couldn't see some of there face as it was too dark.
Okay, this is scary.
"Eh, sun isne kya Bola," she said pulling one of her friends.
"Say what you just said," she ordered as I held the edge of my skirt.
"I don't understand Hindi," I said, looking around.
"Dekh, kapde kaise pehne hain, hey you, what's with the outfit?" She said as I looked down.
"Is there anything wrong with the outfit?" I asked trying to make myself seem bold.
"First class Randwi lag rahi hai" she said laughing as the rest of the group also laughed.
"That's mean!" one of the girl said between her laughter.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"She called you a whore- " one of the guy said but his words were cut off.
"I said you look pretty," Simi said, I did not believe her.
"You are an NRI?" She asked as I nodded.
"That's explains the outfit, I bet you won't survive in India," she said, I felt anger brew up.
"That's not true, I love it here," I said as she leaned forward.
"I bet you are a pain in the ass for the people around you," she said as I felt suffocated.
"You must fuck alot?" one of the guy side.
I felt my jaw drop.
"Are you open minded?" another guy asked coming near me.
"Don't scare the poor girl, look, she looks scared," 
"These NRI must like it, after all they fuck a lot oversees. Come on, baby, I can show you stars," the guy said as he walked towards me. He looked scary.
"No, I don't want to do anything like that," I said.
"Do you only fuck white guys?" He asked as Simi laughed.
"I don't do anything like that," I said, getting ready to leave.
"Sure, you got nice hair, by the way," Simi said, getting up. She had a glass of alcohol in her hand.
"Thanks," I said, moving back as I felt suffocated.
"What shampoo do you use?" She asked, standing beside me. I was about to say the name of my shampoo when one of the guys who walked beside her made her stumble. She dropped the alcohol over my head.
I froze, not believing what just happened.
"Oh nooooo," she said, coming in front of me.
"Let me help," one of the girls said as she took a tissue and wiped my face.
I felt my adrenaline kick in, but I tried to control my feelings.
"Told you, na, you won't survive in India," Simi said, laughing.
"Indian is not for beginners," the girl who was viping my face said, trying to suppress her laughter as the group burst out laughing. 
The guy walked towards me as he said,
"Come, let me clean you up." 
Some of the guys pulled out their phones and clicked pictures, and that was it.
I got up, trying to leave, but then she called me.
"Aye, NRI! Don't cry, okay, we were just joking," she said loudly as I stopped moving.
I turned around and walked towards her. As I grabbed her by her hair, I smashed her head against the wall, making the group collectively gasp, some of them even screaming.
I looked at the guy, the same one who kept passing disgusting comments. I took a bottle, smashed it against his head, and walked out. 
I left the place, running towards my room, tears leaving my face as my boldness left and vulnerability came in.
I walked towards my room when I heard a sound. 
"Sona, what happened?" 
I didn't turn and kept sprinting towards my room as she kept calling me behind. I reached my room as I tood in the middle of it, and I could hear her footsteps getting near.
"Madhu, why did you leave?" She shouted, reaching the room. She crossed at me as she walked towards me. I turned around as I let my tears completely fall.
"Madhu, are you okay?" She whispered as I fell on my knees, burying my face in my palm as I wailed.
"Sona, Madhu, what happened? Why are you crying?" She kept asking, and she kneeled in front of me, grabbing my shoulder as I rubbed it.
I couldn't form any words; I know it's not a big thing; they did not hurt my physical or bully me, but......it hurts.
It was scary; I was alone, and I knew no one there.
I got scared.
I felt Ekansha wrap her hands around me, collecting me in her arms as I rested my forehead on her shoulder. She patted my head.
"Madhu, what happened? Just tell me anything. Just tell me anything. I am getting worried." She whispered, rocking me slightly as I held her shirt tightly.
"The....guys there," I tried to say, but words seemed to choke me.
"Did anyone do anything?" she asked, her voice filled with worry as she kept patting my head.
"A girl named Simi poured alcohol on me," I said, mustering up strength.
"And this one guy kept passing disgusting comments, saying that..." I choked out; I couldn't even speak as I felt my body shake.
"What did he do, Sona?" she asked, her voice stern.
"He said that I must fuck a lot, and" I paused, taking breaths as I felt my heart pound.
"If I am open-minded," 
She stayed silent.
"And he called me something, but I don't know what it means." I quaked as she soothed me.
"What is it?" She asked.
I buried my face in her chest as I cried; she stayed silent, patting my back as she hugged me and whispered comforting words into my ear.
"Come on, Sona, let's take a shower, shall we?" She said this, patting my head as I held her tighter.

Hey, just a small pep talk,
The scene of bullying is based on the true story of this one girl I met on Aminos when I was 13.
She was an NRI, and when she came to India and when she was with her friends, one of the guys said the exact same words.
As an Indian, I felt ashamed of those so-called Indians who made a girl who was an Indian feel foreign and more than unsafe.
I hope she is doing well now and that she had a much better experience in India.
Our country is ruined by rascals who don't know how to behave. This is not what our gods or ancestors taught us.
Anyway, this is going to take a turn, so get ready; the story has begun!

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