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The scene begins with Oswald and the gang coming back from their latest job.

Natsu: (laughing) Was that job an awesome job or what?

Happy: Well, the client sure seemed to think so.

Gray: Face it, you guys are just lucky that I decided to come along.

Natsu: We're lucky that you begged to come with us? How do you figure?

Gray: Because you were about as helpful as one of Erza's suitcases. Even Oswald's smarter than you when he's zoning off into space.

The two were about to get in another argument when Erza pushes them hard enough to nearly break their necks.

Erza: That's enough, boys! (To Gray) Now please get dressed.

Gray: (shocked) For crying out loud! Why does this keep happening to me?!

Oswald: Maybe you have a second magic?

Lucy: Hey, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but...

Natsu: What's up?

Lucy: When I took this job, I was originally thinking it'd be more of a solo mission, you know? So why'd y'all have to come along?

Oswald: Mira said we're supposed to be Fairy Tail's strongest team, so we should stick together!

Natsu: (smirks) Took the words right outta my mouth, buddy.

Happy: Aye, sir.

Gray: And don't you forget it.

Erza: (hums in agreement)

Lucy: (after a moment) I sure won't!

Since their missions with Lulludy and Galuna Island, the five wizards and cat have been hanging around each other more lately. It wasn't uncommon for small teams to form in the guilds as there's a few. Although, unfortunately for Lucy, the other four were still a bit crazy in their own special ways.

However things start to feel off when they noticed the townsfolk whispering about them.

Oswald: What's wrong with everyone?

Gray: Yeah, why is everyone staring at us?

Happy: It's not the good kind of staring.

Erza: It feels like pity.

They then stop when they noticed something off at the guildhall.

Erza: What? Why does the guild look so bizarre?

Oswald: Let's check it out!

They run to the guild, and saw it was damaged with multiple logs of steel sticking out of it.

Gray: No way

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Gray: No way.

Erza: What's happened to it?

Lucy: No, I don't understand.

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