Chapter 8: TOWER OF HEAVEN (part 2)

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The scene continues with the group making their way up the tower. As they run, Oswald wanted to understand something.

Oswald: Hey. Mr. Simon? Why does Jellal want me?

Simon: I'm not certain. But he said that the biggest obstacles in his plans were you and Natsu. You, especially, according to the stories about you. They said you defeated the demon, Deliora, with just one punch, and destroyed the Phantom Lord guildhall with only two attacks.

Oswald: That's just cause I trained a lot.

They soon made it back inside the tower when they hear a voice.

Jellal's Voice: I welcome you to the Tower of Heaven. My name is Jellal and I am the ruler of this tower. I see the players have been arranged.

Gray: Say what?

Simon: So he knows we're here. He could be lurking anywhere in the tower, waiting for us.

Jellal's Voice: I'm delighted you've come all this way to see me. Shall we play a round of Heaven's Game?

Oswald: That voice. Why does it sound like Mr. Siegrain?

Jellal's Voice: The rules are really quite simple. I wish to use Erza as a sacrifice in my ceremony to resurrect Lord Zeref. And, to see the true potential of the Kaiju Slayer, Oswald Ackerman.

Sho: No, I won't let you.

Jellal's Voice: If I succeed, the gates of heaven will open, crowning my victory. However, if you can manage to find a way to stop me, you'll be the winners of the game. To make things a little more interesting, I've enlisted three knights to battle on my behalf. And a behemoth capable to destroying anything in sight.

Simon: Three knights? Who could they be?

Oswald: And what behemoth?

Jellal's Voice: The only way you can get to me is if you can defeat them. In other words, a four-on-nine battle royale. And there's one more surprise. The magic council has the satellite square focused directly on this tower and it's highly likely they will attack. At this very moment, they're in the midst of voting on whether they should fire an etherion blast.

Oswald: What's etherion?

Gray: A one-way ticket to the afterlife, buddy.

Oswald: So it's bad?

Jellal's Voice: There's no telling how much time is left. Should the etherion strike, complete annihilation is imminent. No players left to win; game over.

Lucy: What kind of messed up game is this?!

Erza: But that doesn't make any sense to me. Why would the magic council resort to such drastic measures?

Oswald: They're usually the one who want to break people apart, so maybe that's why?

All the sudden, Sho pulls Erza into one of his cards.

Gray: Erza!

Simon: (to Sho) What the hell do you think you're doing?

Oswald: I knew you were a bad guy!

Jellal's Voice: Now, then. Let the game begin.

Sho: I won't let him lay a finger on her!

Erza: Let me outta here!

Sho: I'll beat Jellal all by myself if I have to! (Runs off)

Simon: No, you can't do it alone!

Oswald: Come back here with Erza!

They run after him, but Oswald was suddenly falling down a hole in the ground.

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