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The scene shows Lucy, Natsu, and unexpectedly Gray, on a boat heading towards Galuna Island. So, originally, Gray was supposed to get Lucy and Natsu back before they went to the island, and thankfully, he found them at Hargeon, a town well known for fishing and boat trips, before they could head to the island. At first, no one wanted to go to the island because of the curse, but when one sailor found out they were genuine wizards, he offered them a ride, and Natsu knocked Gray unconscious to take him with them.

So now, they were on a boat where Gray was tied up, and Natsu looked sea sick as while his Dragon Slayer magic is powerful, when it comes to modes of transportation, he easily suffers from motion sickness.

Lucy: Okay, now I'm scared.

Gray: (annoyed) Well, look on the bright side, at least you're not tied up! (To the boatman) This is your fault too, buddy. Why'd you decide to let us on?

Bobo: The name is Bobo. If you must know, I used to be a citizen of Galuna Island. But I had to flee. I just couldn't take it anymore. I should warn you—tragedy befalls on anyone who steps foot on the island. There's no avoiding it. That is, unless you're able to lift the curse.

He moves his cloak, and everyone's shocked to see his whole left arm looked mutated.

Bobo: This vile demon's curse

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Bobo: This vile demon's curse.

Gray: Your arm... What happened to it?

Lucy: Is that...the curse.

Bobo: (short pause) We're almost there.

In the distance, they see an island that's Galuna. They also saw the top of the mountain was glowing. Next thing they knew, Bobo disappeared into thin air, like he wasn't there to begin with. And to make it worse, they get caught in a large wave, destroying the boat and sending them underwater.

Thankfully by the next day, all of them washed up to shore and were okay.

Natsu: Looks like we made it, you guys!

Lucy: We were lucky that wave washed us to shore.

Gray: Well, I don't know if I would call it lucky.

Lucy: I can't help but wonder what happened to the guy who brought us here. Right after he told us about the curse, he vanished.

Natsu: (excited) Forget about that stuff for now and let's go exploring!

Happy: Aye!

Lucy: (sweat drops) We've been here for like 30 seconds, and already you've forgotten about the mission? (Beat) Apparently, there's only one village on the entire island. The village chief was the one who originally put in the request, so I guess we need to try and find him.

Gray: Not so fast.

Natsu: Give it up, Gray. You can't take us back to the guild now that our boat's been destroyed.

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