Ch4 His prey

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Dahlia took a deep, forceful gulp of her beer. It taste a bit different...I really should stop. She thought to herself. But she couldn't help it and quickly drank a second glass as well.

Screw it. Dahlia continued drinking, sinking deeper into her thoughts, Sitting there with a dazed expression, her face flushed a deep red, Dahlia's mind was elsewhere, suddenly, her head slumped down and bumped against the table, she slipped into unconsciousness It's so loud in here.....I just want to sleep.

Dahlia's colleagues began leaving the bar everyone was in high spirits, Gabriel noticed Dahlia passed out, he wanted to check on her, but Eun stepped in saying "Don't worry about her, I'll take her home."

Gabriel smiled and replied "Alright then...take care."

Eun expression immediately changed once everyone had left. She looked down at the unconscious Dahlia. "Let's go." She said sternly.

Dahlia still unresponsive, remained asleep "Let's go, or I'll leave you here." Eun pressed.

Dahlia slowly woke up, running her hands down her face, her legs unsteady from the alcohol. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

The two women went out of the bar, and Eun stood on the sidewalk trying to take a taxi for Dahlia.

"Aren't you going with me?" Dahlia said weakly.

"You can go by yourself , let's just get a taxi for you."

dismissively Dahlia nodded, her eyes half closed, and then looked at Eun with a judgmental gaze "Why did you bring up that subject earlier?" she asked calmly, yet with a hint of sadness.

"What subject?" Eun replied defensively.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about...You're the only one I told about..SNU." Dahlia's words were laced with disappointment.

"Come on, I thought everyone already knew, it's not a big deal anyways." Eun argued.

"That was a bitchy move, I didn't like what you did." Dahlia blood was boiling. Eun couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth cause Dahlia was always sugarcoating her actions but in this moment she was drunk.

"I know you like Gabriel so stop this childish game, I have no interest in him." Dahlia stated.

Eun's face reddened with anger at Dahlia's harsh confrontation "You're drunk so you don't know what you're talking about but it seems to me you're fine on your own." She then left the drunk woman alone on the street.


In his mind, It was an agonising wait for the right moment. She was passed out and slumped on the back seat of his car, her pose is a tableau of vulnerability.

The ankle length skirt had gone above her small curves, unconsciously giving a peek into the delicate lace of her underwear. Her hair was a knotted bunch over her forehead and eyes, like curtains of black silk. Her blouse was unbuttoned leaving her saggy breast exposed. That skin was calming to touch as it was even to look at. Even in her unconscious state, there was a slight tremor rippling through her body.

The eyes of that man were fixed on her with a hungry predatory look, his gaze went insatiably over each edge and every line of her figure, and shape. She was the hunted, and he was the hunter, a wolf ready for the kill.

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