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"What do you mean the king has returned?"

The Grand Queen Dowager rose to her feet. The little tingling in her knees was a clear sign that her already fragile body was rapidly deteriorating. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't afraid she wouldn't live to see the day Lee Hwi returned from his royal expedition. She just didn't expect him to return so quickly.

"I just received word that His Majesty just made it into town," the royal guard repeated.

"It's been less than a month," The Grand Queen Dowager replied. "Something isn't right."

"His royal sedan is quickly approaching the palace," stated the guard.

"Royal sedan?"

The Grand Queen Dowager thought for a moment. There was no royal sedan if she remembered correctly. Or, was she really that old to have forgotten this detail?

"You may be dismissed."

She motioned for the guard to exit. Something is definitely out of sorts. She could sense it. More importantly, she was concerned.

"And there it is," said Eunuch Hong. "Home."

He let out a sigh of relief and smiled. His smile quickly turned into a frown for he knew what to expect.

"We're back," Noh Ha Kyung said in a low tone.

She peeked out of the window. It was as if she never left.

"We're probably not going to be greeted with a normal welcome back," said Yu Gong.

Noh Ha Kyung sighed.

"Well, my father did commit treason," she replied. "I don't expect a warm welcome back from anyone."

If she was to really start over with Hwi again she wanted to forget the ugly past. Just leave it all behind, she shut her eyes and thought to herself.

Moments later, the sedan came to a complete stop. As much as she wanted to peek out of the window just to be sure, she ultimately decided against the idea.

"I think we should just wait and follow His Majesty's orders," she said to Yu Gong.

The maid nodded and sat silently as the sedan proceeded through the first set of palace doors. Noh Ha Kyung held Taeyeon against her chest. His eyes were open but he was as quiet as a mouse.

"My good boy," Noh Ha Kyung whispered, planting a soft kiss on top of his head.

As the sedan inched closer to the palace, the former Queen felt her heart pound. She really thought it would be easier than this.

"Relax," Hwi said to her in a calm tone after opening the curtain of the sedan.

He stretched his right arm out to her and she took it without hesitation while holding Taeyeon in her other arm.

Court Lady Kim gasped loudly, and a series of chatter erupted from the court maids behind her.

"I'm sure you are all curious at the moment," Hwi roared, his arms crossed behind his back. "Fear not for your curiosities shall be fulfilled shortly."

He proceeded forward in the direction of The Grand Queen Dowager's quarters. Noh Ha Kyung followed closely behind him. She was careful not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Leave me and my queen with The Grand Queen Dowager," said Hwi, when they arrived at his grandmother's quarters.

Eunuch Hong shut the door after the couple stepped inside. Court Lady Kim, on the other hand, shot a curious look at him but the eunuch knew better than to feed her curiosity. Instead, he smiled shyly and lowered his head. They could only wait for instruction from the king.

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