Session 4: The God Of Riches

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Dadgrir, Onyx, Lyn, and Turt are walking through the town that used to be known as Nid-Yest, now it looks like it's been destroyed and abandoned.

Dadgrir: Ten years, and this is what happened to one small town. Makes you worry about the four kingdoms.

Turt: I barely even hear the wind blowing through the trees, it truly is a "ghost town".

Onyx: Honestly, should've just stayed dead. Would've been better then living in this world.

Dadgrir: Hey! Enough of that talk. You're alive, that's just how it is. So come on, let's get going.

The party continues to walk through the town when Turt stops everyone.

Turt: Hey, wait a minute. You hear that?

The others strain themselves to hear anything.

Dadgrir: I don't hear anything.

Onyx: Are you going senile? Would make sense after you push me into a hole.

Lyn: Where do you hear it?

Turt: Follow me.

Turt starts walking and the others follow. Turt takes them in a zig zag pattern, and sometimes takes them in loops.

Dadgrir: Turt, you sure yknow where your going?

Turt: No. I can't see.

Onyx: *sighs* I'm gonna kill him.

Dadgrir: Alright, let's just-

A loud explosion is heard above the party. The group looks up and sees a bunch sparkles fall down from the sky from behind a building.

Onyx: You think it's an attack?

Lyn: It's a pretty attack.

Dadgrir: Let's check it out.

The group walks around the building and sees a bright purple building that is not marred by the surroundings and stand tall. A glowing and flashing sign on the front of the building reads "The God Of Riches".

Lyn: What is this place?

Dadgrir: Looks like a store?

Turt: Sounds like a carnival.

Onyx: It's kinda gaudy. And also it's not like the other buildings. Looks pristine.

Lyn: Maybe there's someone there?

Dadgrir: Well, only one way to find out.

The group walks up to the front door and Dadgrir reaches for the doorknob and turns it and as he opens the door, a crossbow bolt hits him in the shoulder but bounces off his armor.

Dadgrir: FUCK!!


Dadgrir looks up and sees a tall handsome gold like skinned Hobgoblin with smooth medium length blonde hair and trimmed beard with no moustache, gold eyes, and wearing a purple robe and brown sandles holding a crossbow at him.


???: Are.... are you not bandits?


???: Uh... no?

Dadgrir: And that's my answer. Can we come in?!

???: Y-yeah, just shut the door when you come in.

Dadgrir, Turt, and Onyx enter immediately but before Lyn enters he hears a squak above him. Lyn looks up and sees a raven perched on a roof and looking down at him. Lyn looks at it for a moment and then enters the building. The Hobgoblin puts away the crossbow and gives the party an apologetic look.

???: I apologize for shooting you my Dwarven friend. You see, this land has been getting alot of bandits so I have to be prepared, I hope you can understand.

Dadgrir messages his shoulder that got hit.

Dadgrir: Yeah, I can understand that. No worries.

Dadgrir reaches out a hand and smiles warmly.

Dadgrir: The name's Dadgrir Underblade.

The Hobgoblin grabs Dadgrir's hand and shakes it.

Godrich: The name's Godrich, and welcome to The God Of Riches, a store with all the riches you could want, for a price.

Onyx: You sell stuff?

Godrich: Of course!!! Only the finest of riches can be in my store, and only the finest of customers can afford it. So, what brings you to the ruins of Nid-Yest?

Turt: Well, we were sent here by the God of Destiny to-

Dadgrir: Turt!

Turt: What?

Godrich: Ah, you're one of Nero's boys.

Lyn: You know him?

Godrich: Of course!! Alot of his heroes come to my stores alot, so I help them out. So, what's your adventure?

Dadgrir: To stop the Tyrant of Terror and return Soleanna to it's original glory.

Godrich: Ha! Damn, he's got you guys on a really dangerous quest huh? Well, I hate to say it but I'm actually out of stuff for you in this town.

Onyx: Really?

Godrich: Like I said there's bandits around, but I do know of a town just a day's journey from here named Rollac. There should be a potion shop called "The Phoenix's Fall" and the owner should be able to give you some potions. Even a God Of Riches is there, so check out that store as well, we should be stocked over there too.

Dadgrir: Thank you Godrich, we'll head that way.

Godrich: No problem, and just be careful ok? No telling what is out there these days.

Dadgrir: We'll try. Thanks again for your help.

Godrich nods as the party leaves the building.

Onyx: Well, he doesn't seem that bad.

Dadgrir: Yeah, he seemed like a good guy.

Turt: Eh, he's alright.

Lyn: So, we're heading to Rollac?

Dadgrir: Yeah, and when we head there we can figure out more of what we are dealing with, so let's get going.

The others nod and the party leaves the town of Nid-Yest, and onto the rest of Soleanna to save the world.


Finally, a short chapter. And I finally get to introduce a npc that my players love, Godrich. He's such a fun character and I was grateful my players fell in love with him. And he does have a hero forge figure too, and here it is:

Isn't he beautiful? And yeah, I do know this one feels a little bit shorter but I'm betting to myself that the next one will be longer, so don't you worry

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Isn't he beautiful? And yeah, I do know this one feels a little bit shorter but I'm betting to myself that the next one will be longer, so don't you worry. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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