Session 9: Turt

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A young Turt wearing metal armor and turtle shell like gauntlets stands above a bunch of bodies, blood dripping from his claws. The young Turt laughs maniacally as lightning flashes, suddenly changing the young Turt into the present day Turt. Turt looks around, shocked at what he sees.

Turt: What... what is going on? Why... why can I see? Where am I?

???: Don't you know?

Turt looks around for the sound of the voice but sees no one.

???: Don't you recognize the bodies?

Turt looks down and sees a female Tortle, a young male Tortle child, and a hammerhead shark man lying dead at his feet. A shock pain goes through Turt's mind.

Turt: I *grunts* don't know.

???: You don't know?! You got them killed!! And you decide to have the gall to forget!!

Turt: That... wasn't me!! I am someone else now!!! I shouldn't be burdened with his sins!!!

???: Oh, trust me, you'll make more sins soon.

Turt suddenly senses something behind him. Turt turns to see four dark figures charging at him. Turt quickly gets into a fighting stance when one of the figures swings a warhammer at him. Turt quickly parries the hammer with his claws, grabs it, and swings the hammer at the figure, sending it flying. Turt drops the hammer as another figure charges at Turt and lunges at him with a rapier. Turt quickly sidesteps the blade and plunges his claws into its chest and tosses it to the side as another figure swings a greataxe at him. Turt roars as he uses his shell to block the axe, grabs the axe, and pulls the axe and the figure closer to him. Turt grabs the figures head and snaps its neck, making the figure drop to the ground. Turt starts trying to catch his breath when he feels something about to hit his head. Turt quickly catches the object flying towards and sends it back towards the last figure, plunging the boomerang into its chest, dropping it to the ground. Turt's face twists into rage.


???: My point Turt-

Turt turns around and sees that the voice is the younger version of him. The young Turt looks at Turt with a wicked grin.

Turt?: That you'll never change. That you'll get those you care for killed.

Turt: Lies!! I'm not you!!! I wouldn't dare!!

Turt?: Look around Turt. You already have.

Turt looks at the dark figures, and his eyes widen in horror as he sees the dead bodies of Dadgrir, Onyx, Banger, and Lyn. Turt takes a step back as he begins to gasp for breath. Turt looks at his hands and sees that they are coated in red.

Turt: No. No!

Turt?: Don't you see Turt?!

Turt spins around to see that the young Turt now looks like the present day Turt but still wearing the armor.


Turt then bolts awake as he is drenched in sweat as he tries to catch his breath. Turt tries to look around but realizes that he can't see anything. Turt takes a sigh of relief as he wipes sweat from his head.

Banger: Bad nightmare?

Turt tilts his head as he hears Banger tuning his guitar. Turt smirks and nods.

Turt: Yeah. Just my mind forcing things upon me.

Banger: You lost your memories, right?

Turt: Correct.

Banger: So maybe your mind is trying to fix itself, trying to fit the pieces together?

Turt: Maybe. Who knows? It's just some nightmares.

Banger: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Turt: So where are the others?

Banger: Dadgrir and Onyx are searching for some food and Lyn.... honestly, no idea. That kid just disappears. Quiet little bugger he is.

Turt chuckles and nods.

Turt: For you, maybe. I can hear him just fine.

Banger: Really? So you're actually blind?

Turt: Yep.

Banger: How many fingers am I holding up?

Banger flips off Turt and Turt his head to the side in contemplation.

Turt: Three?

Banger: Nah, I'm giving you the bird.

Turt laughs, and Banger laughs with him.

Turt: *sighs* Well, we should probably get ready. We'll be leaving soon.

Banger: And how do you know that?

Turt stands up and closes his eyes.

Turt: Cause Dadgrir and Onyx are almost here.

Turt sniffs the air.

Turt: Oh, they got some rabbit. Nice.

Banger looks around but doesn't see anyone.

Banger: I don't see them.

Turt: They are a little ways away. Also, Lyn is here.

Banger: What do you- HOLY SOL!!!

Banger jumps to his feet as Lyn steps out from behind Banger.

Lyn: I found a path that can lead us to the tower. It'll be quicker than the oath we have been taken.

Banger: Do you always just pop out of nowhere?

Lyn shrugs, and Turt chuckles. Dadgrir and Onyx walks up to the others holding dead rabbits in their.

Dadgrir: Good, you're all awake. Turt, think you can cook up these rabbits?

Turt: No problem.

Banger: Damn, you do have super senses. What's it like

Turt shrugs.

Turt: Free, I guess.

Dadgrir: Alright, so after we eat, we'll head towards the tower. Lyn, you found a safe path, right?

Lyn nods.

Dadgrir: Good. Then we're all set.

Banger: You think the tower's gonna be dangerous?

Onyx: Isn't it an old wizard tower? There is always dangerous shit in those towers.

Dadgrir: Which just means we just need to be extremely careful.

Turt: Alright, here we go!

Turt hands everyone a stick with bits of meat on it. Everyone thanks Turt and takes a bite out of the meat.

Banger: Holy shit, it's good!

Dadgrir: Turt's really good at cooking. Good job.

Turt smirks and waves them off.

Turt: Nah, it's noth-

Suddenly, Turt gets an image of the groups dead bodies from his dreams, and Turt gasps.

Lyn: Turt?

Turt blinks, and the world goes back to the darkness. Turt smiles reassuringly.

Turt: I'm good, Lyn. I'm good.

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