Session 10: Storyteller

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Onyx: How much farther is the tower?! My feet are starting to hurt.

Lyn: We're close. A few more minutes and we'll be there.

Onyx groans, causing Banger to smirk.

Banger: In a hurry?

Onyx: No, I just...

Onyx peers over his shoulder and tries to search for something but sighs in defeat.

Onyx: I just don't like being out in the open.

Kirby: Aw, don't worry, Onyx. I'll keep you safe!

Onyx: *sarcastic* Jeez, thanks Kirby. That totally makes me feel safe.

Kirby smiles brightly.

Kirby: No problem!

Onyx sighs and rolls his eyes, but a small smile forms on his face.

Banger: Uh... when did your insturment start talking?

Onyx: Oh... Um, he always could.

Banger nods his head in intrigue.

Banger: Sick. Hi Kirby.

Kirby: Hi Banger!! I like your hat.

Banger: Thanks! I like it too.

Onyx: Oh god, please stop talking to each other.

Turt: I think they should continue talking. It brings us closer as a group.

Onyx: Go die in a hole.

Turt: What hole?

Onyx's body shakes with uncontrollable rage, but he lets out a breath and calms down.

Dadgrir: Lyn, you sure you didn't see any dangers up ahead.

Lyn shakes his head.

Lyn: I didn't see anything, but anything could've happened between then and now.

Dadgrir nods.

Dadgrir: Fair. We'll just have to keep an eye out for any-

Suddenly, the whole group hears the sound of a lyre being strummed up ahead.

Onyx: You all hear that, right?

Banger: Kinda hard not to.

Dadgrir: It sounds like it's up ahead. Be cautious everyone, and be prepared to fight.

The party nods and proceeds down the path. As the party turns the corner, they see a male humanoid with light blue skin, long blue hair, red draconic eyes, wearing a white dress jacket and white pants but no shoes or shirt playing a lyre sitting on the ground. The man smiles and looks towards the group.

???: Why, hello there. It's a pleasure to finally meet you all.

Dadgrir grips his hammer and stares at the man warily.

Dadgrir: Who are you? And what do you want?

Autor: My name is Autor, and I'm just here to tell stories. Nothing more, nothing less.

Onyx: What kind of stories?

Autor: All kinds. Future stories, past stories, present stories. It doesn't matter to me, for I see all of them.

Dadgrir: Then do you know if we'll succeed in stopping the Tyrant?

Autor chuckles and shakes his head.

Autor: Your stories are constantly being rewritten and changed. The outcome is always being changed when new developments are introduced. Do I have faith you'll succeed? Yes, I do.

Turt: Are you friends with Nero? You seem.... weird.

Autor: Yes, I am. Good man, he is.

Lyn: You said you could tell us stories. Are you an oracle?

Autor: You could say that. What would you like to know? What story would you like to hear?

Banger: We're heading to a tower. Can you tell us anything about it?

Autor: Ah. Feln's Tower. Powerful items are said to be held there, though it is quite a dangerous journey. I'd be careful if I were you. It has a way of revealing things that should stay hidden.

Autor stares directly at Turt as he says this, causing Turt to feel a shiver be sent down his spine.

Banger: So its name is Feln's Tower? Good to know.

Dadgrir: Autor, right?

Autor nods.

Dadgrir: How did the Tyrant take over Soleanna? And who are his generals?

Autor: The Tyrant took over the land with his army of the dead, the takers of corpses, and his four generals. The gods could do nothing, for if they did, it could cause catastrophe all over. His generals were once four adventurers that encountered the Tyrant and fell to him. He returned them to life and promised them their deepest desires if they served him. And so they do, causing pain and devastation all throughout the land.

Dadgrir nods in contemplation.

Dadgrir: So, they were also like us. Died in a chance encounter with the Tyrant.

Onyx: Oh well, we'll kick there asses all the same.

Lyn steps towards Autor. Autor gives Lyn a curious look.

Lyn: The people I search for, where are they?

Autor: I see. That's your question. They will be found north of the continent, but I wouldn't rush to meet them child. Revenge is not a path one as young as you should travel.

Lyn nods his head, his face fully hidden in his hood.

Lyn: Thank you for the information.

Lyn then leaves and continues forward. Dadgrir curses and gives Autor a genuine smile.

Dadgrir: Thank you for the stories.

Dadgrir quickly rushes towards Lyn, with Onyx and Banger following close behind. Turt lingers behind a bit.

Turt: Is my past gonna catch up to me? Will it put them in harm's way?

Autor stares at Turt with a sympathetic look.

Autor: Yes.

Turt sighs.

Turt: Is there any way I can stop it?

Autor: No.

Turt: Am I a monster?

Autor: That's up to you. What do you want to be?

Turt nods and starts heading towards his party, not noticing Autor disappearing.


Finally introduced Autor. I was gonna introduce him last chapter, but felt that it would get a little bit too long. Anyways, he's a mysterious guy with a lot of knowledge. So wattpad being stupid. My new phone won't let me post the image of Autor's hero forge normally so I'm either gonna keep it in the top media or post it as the last thing on the story. If those don't work, I'll have to do it on my laptop (ugh). Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.


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