Session 8: The Man In The Window

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Banger: Wait, you died?! All of you?! From the Tyrant Of Terror?!

Onyx: Yeah, pretty much. Like a day ago..... for us. For the world it was like 10 years ago.

Banger: Well shit, that's crazy. Well good news, I haven't died and don't plan on dying anytime soon so.... yay!

Turt smiles and places a hand on Banger's shoulder.

Turt: Good shit. We don't plan on dying anymore either, so you're in good company.

Banger smirks.

Banger: Good to hear. Smooth sailing from now on I guess.

Lyn: Can we get to the God Of Riches please? We've been standing in the street for a good while.

Banger: God Of Riches?! I've heard about that store in East Soleanna. It's run by some cooky Hobgoblin named Godrich I think.

Onyx: Wait, we met Godrich in Nid-Yest. He can't be running a store halfway across the continent.

Banger shrugs as Lyn is about to open the door to The God Of Riches when Dadgrir stops him.

Dadgrir: Let me. If Godrich is somehow in multiple stores at once, then he might try shooting us.

Lyn: But we're in a different town, why would he try shooting in a lively town?

Dadgrir shrugs.

Dadgrir: I don't know, but just to be safe let me open the door. Just in case.

Lyn nods and Dadgrir smiles. Dadgrir turn the doorknob and barely opens the door and waits for a moment, but nothing happens. Dadgrir sighs a breath of relief. He proceeds to open the door more.

Dadgrir: Well, good news is he's not-

Suddenly a crossbow bolt pierces Dadgrir's shoulder, causing him to scream out in pain.

Dadgrir: WHAT THE FUCK?!

Godrich: Oh shit! Sorry!

The party looks in and seeing Godrich messing with a fancy looking crossbow.

Godrich: I was checking out a new crossbow a friend gave me, didn't realize that you guys would show up.

Dadgrir rips out the bolt from his shoulder, causing Godrich to wince.

Godrich: Sorry about that my friend.

Dadgrir: *grunts* It's fine. Let's just try not to make this a thing.

Godrich: Of course. Well come on in!!

As the party starts to walk into the store, Onyx is the last to enter.

???: Onyx.

Onyx quickly turns around and looks to see who said his name, but no one is there.

Kirby: Everything alright Onyx?

Onyx: Yeah.... Yeah, I think so. Thought I heard someone say my name.

Kirby: I didn't hear anything.

Onyx: Oh... Must be my imagination then. Let's head inside.

Kirby: Ok!!

Onyx enters as the others proceed to look around the store. Lyn heads towards the front counter and looks up at Godrich.

Lyn: Got anything cool in-stock?

Godrich: Do I got anything cool? Um.... hmmmm.... I got this.

Godrich reaches down behind the counter and pulls out a golden lance.

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