Session 7: The Banger Experience

22 4 3

Before we begin, thanks for getting this to 100 reads. Means alot, so anyways, let's get into the story.


(20 minutes before the encounter)

In an entrance to an alleyway, the jester picks up his axe guitar and starts strumming the strings, then tuning the guitar to sound just perfect. The jester sets down an empty coin purse and clears his throat as people walk past him.

Banger: Ladies and gentlemen, Orcs and Giff, my name is Banger Hollyglide and I am offering you all a chance to see a spectacular performance from a genuine jester. Tips are welcomed, but your smiles are required. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my performance.

Banger then starts doing the sickest guitar riff, causing people to stop and watch as Banger proceeds to play his guitar while doing some flips and tricks. Banger smirks as he tosses his guitar into the air, which stops in middair and continues to play. Banger pulls out a deck of cards starts doing some card tricks.

Banger: Pick a card! Any card!! It won't matter at the end!!

A couple of people take a card and Banger nods.

Banger: Alright. Now, look at your cards and memorize them. Got it? Good, now trade them with each other.

The people trade their cards with the other.

Banger: Now, I'm going to pull my own card and show only you.

Banger pulls out a card and shows it to the crowd.

Banger: Now on the count of 3, we're gonna toss our cards into the sky. Ready? 1. 2. 3!

Banger and the other citizens toss their cards into the sky and they all drop to the ground.

Banger: Now, let's pick them up and not look at them.

Banger and the others kneel and grab the cards and stand up.

Banger: Good, now-

Banger draws a few more cards and shows them to the crowd.

Banger: Are these our cards?

The crowd gasps in suprise and Banger smiles brightly.

Banger: I know, surprising right? But, how can that be if we're holding our cards right? Well...

Banger turns his card to reveal a drow jester smiling and laughing with the word "Joker" above the figure.

Banger: I guess we pulled some Joker cards huh?

The crowd goers who pulled cards look at their cards and they see the same Joker card. The crowd starts to laugh and applaud Banger, which widens and brightens Banger's smile.

Banger: Please, you're too kind.

Banger grabs the cards and puts it back into the deck. Banger raises an arm and suddenly his guitar drops and Banger catches it. Banger puts his deck of cards away and finishes the song he was playing and bows as people applaud and toss him some coin into his open coin purse.

Banger: Oh thank you all for being a wonderful audience. You're smiles are more than enough for me.

As the crowd disperses, Banger reaches down and grabs his coin purse. As Banger is about to leave, he sees a young red skinned tiefling boy looking up at him with awe. Banger softly smiles at the boy.

Banger: Why hello there. Enjoyed the show?

Kid: Yeah! How did you do all that?!

Banger chuckles and kneels down to face the boy at eye level.

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