Session 6: The Phoenix's Fall

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Onyx: So, where the hell are we gonna find this store?

Lyn: You think it'll be as obvious as Godrich's store was?

Dadgrir: Who knows, though I have a feeling Godrich is just a bit...... loud, so that's probably why he's so obvious.

Turt sniffs the air and itches his nose.

Turt: I think it might be a few more buildings down and then we take a left.

Onyx: *sarcasm* Oh really? And how can you tell, by your nose?

Turt: Yes, actually.

Onyx: I.... I was joking Turt.

Dadgrir: Well, wouldn't hurt to follow his nose. Let's go.

The party proceeds to walk past a few buildings and then turn left and see a God Of Riches store and directly across from it is a red bricked building with smoke coming out of a chimney with a sign that says "The Phoenix's Fall". Onyx stares at Turt with his mouth agape.

Onyx: H-h-how?!

Turt: *shrugs* I guess I can sense things better without my sight, who knew?

Onyx: I think I hate you.

Turt shrugs.

Dadgrir: Alright, enough bickering. Let's get inside.

The party opens the doors to The Phoenix's Fall and when they enter, they see the building is filled with different sized vials filled with multiple different colored liquid.

Dadgrir: *whistles* Impressive display of potions.

Lyn: I know Godrich said this was a potion shop, but I didn't think it be huge.

Turt: Excuse me?! Can someone come help us?!

The party hears something in the back of the store fall and crash onto the ground and a feminine voice can be heard.

???: Shit!!!

A female halfling with long dark purple hair and brown eyes wearing black round rimmed glasses, a beige long sleeve shirt, a brown leather apron, purple pants, brown boots, and on her right hand she is wearing a black glove while her left hand is not wearing one, the hand itself being made of porcelain walks out of a back room and looks at the party with an apologetic smile.

???: Sorry, didn't hear you come in.

Dadgrir: Is everything alright? We heard a crashing sound.

Flora: Oh don't worry, happens all the time. Anyways, welcome to The Phoenix's Fall, where all potions come to be reborn!!! I'm Flora Petalspring, an apprentice under the master of this place. So, what can I help you with?

Dadgrir: We were sent here by Godrich, he told us that you could help us.

Flora: Ah, I see. He must've sent you to see his partner. Let me get them and see if they will help.

Flora heads towards the back of the store and enters a room.

Onyx: Godrich has a girlfriend?

Turt: She didn't specified a girlfriend, just a partner. Maybe he is single?

Onyx: I mean, he is a good looking guy. Wouldn't be surprised if he has a girlfriend.

Dadgrir: Or boyfriend. Like Turt said, she didn't specify which gender.

Lyn: I wonder how they'll help us.

Dadgrir: We'll know soon enough.

Flora appears with a genderless person with charcoal colored skin, short hair that appears to be on fire, eyes that look like pure flames, wings made of pure fire on their back, wearing a black and purple robe. The person looks at all the party members up and down, gaging them.

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