Chapter Four

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Kyle: Hey
Kyle: Hi Leah
Kyle: Leah
Kyle: You there

I kept hearing my phone buzz on my nightstand. I almost knew it was Kyle. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. It was him. So I replied to all of his texts.

Leah: Hey sorry.
Kyle: It's ok
Kyle: What's up?
Leah: Nothing, I just woke up,
Kyle: Oh sorry did I wake you?
Leah: Yeah, don't worry, it's 10 am I needed to get up.
Kyle: Okay
Leah: Brb I need to shower
Kyle: Okay.

I always showered in the morning. I mean my long curly hair needed to be tamed first thing. I slid my way out of bed, out from my surroundings of warmth.
I walked up the stairs to the bathroom. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch watching the morning news show.

"Morning Leah" My dad waved.

"Hi Dad," I replied stumbling into the bathroom.

I immediately turned the faucet on so it could have a few minutes to warm up. My face was a mess. I stood there, looking in the mirror. I had very bad acne. I'm not even talking about a few pimples here and there, it was way worse. By the time I had gotten undressed, the shower had warmed up. I stepped in and felt relieved.
The hot water felt amazing against my cold skin, almost giving me goosebumps. It was a shampoo and condition day which meant I had to wash my hair. 
After my shower, I wrapped the big bath towel around my body. I walked out through the living room and back down to my room. My phone was buzzing. Someone was calling me. It was Kyle.


"Leah? Hello this is Kyle's mother, I wanted to inform you that Kyle was just admitted to the hospital," the soft voice spoke.

"What!? I was just texting him!"

"I know, it is a shock to us all. He just fell unconscious, I don't know why. You can come over and I'll drive you to the hospital to see him,"

"Thank you Mrs Connily, I'll be over in twenty minutes," I said fast.

Oh my god. Kyle is in the hospital. I had a strange feeling that it was my fault even though I knew it wasn't. I quickly grabbed a pair of skinny jeans out of my closet and a sweatshirt. I blow dried my hair as fast as I could and made sure it looked presentable. I grabbed my phone and put on my coat and boots and then headed out the door. I ran all the way to his house and saw his mother standing on their front porch. She waved at me and we both ran to get into their warm minivan.

"I'm sorry to call you so early in the morning Leah, It's just, I knew you would want to know before anyone else," His mom explained.

"Yeah, this is serious stuff. I'm so glad you did Mrs. Connily,"

Before I knew it we were there. Standing in front of the huge high tech children's hospital made me remember when I was diagnosed. What a horrible thing to remember. I followed Mrs Connily through the hospital to the room number that Kyle's dad had texted to her. When we found the room I ran in, to find him laying on the bed asleep.

"Leah, I have some news," Mr Connily looked upset.

"Oh my gosh, what is it Mr Connily? Please tell me," I sat down and rested my head in my hands.

"Well, he has a fault," He started

"And it's in his lungs unfortunately,"

"Oh my god, No, No, No!" I couldn't hold it in anymore.

So I cried. And I don't cry much so this was as strange for me as it was for them. Kyle was on the bed, he looked different. I had never seen him asleep before. They had him hooked up to oxygen and all was okay. But I knew it wasn't. He probably had to go in for some treatments. Everything would be different! He wouldn't be the same old Kyle Connily! Maybe I won't like him anymore! But I'll always love him!

"So, when does he get treatment? He will need treatment right?" I asked.

"Well, We don't really know. I'm assuming the first Chemotherapy will be soon, and then I don't know after that. But I assure you that these nurses in here are very wonderful and have treated him so kindly," His father told me while giving me a warm hug.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at Kyle.

"Mr and Mrs Connily, May I please have a minute with him?" I asked politely.

"Of course you can sweetie," Mrs Connily said and pulled Mr Connily out of the room.

Kyle had a a very nice hospital room. He had a view over the whole entire parking lot. He had a TV thing attached to his bed. But none of that stuff helped. He was still in the hospital and he still had Lung Cancer. I walked over to the bed and sat in a chair beside him.

"I hope you know that I love you." I whispered.

"And I know you cannot hear me and I know this is hard. It's hard for me too. But you can do this Kyle. You are the strongest guy I know. You can do it and I'll support you no matter what your decisions are. Chemotherapy may suck but you will be okay, I love you Kyle Connily,"

"I love you too Leah Elizabeth," Kyle managed to whisper.



"Kyle," I smiled at him and planted a small kiss on his hand.

"Leah Elizabeth, I promise I will never let any cancer beat me. I'll always fight, For you Leah," He struggled to speak.

"You know my last name isn't Elizabeth right?"

"Yes I know, But your first and middle name sound much nicer together," He laughed a little.

Mr and Mrs Connily walked through the door and were surprised to see Kyle woken up and talking.
I decided to give them a moment and so I walked downstairs to the Hospital 'gift shop' and bought a bouquet of eleven flowers, and I got the lady at the counter to put one different coloured flower in. It was tradition in my family. I told the lady the room number he was in and she got a florist trainee to deliver them up to his 'room'.

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