Chapter Sixteen

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Well, Here I was. Alone.
This sounds depressing as hell but, I'm actually just a fifteen year old girl experiencing one of many heartbreaks.
Kyle was the only one who understood me, he knew what I was going through and I don't know how because we had completely different diseases.
I just really hope we can stay friends. I don't want to lose another.
We never ended up having lunch, and I never told him about my trip. I walked home quietly.

"Leah Hunny? What are you doing home so early?" My mother asked.

"It's nothing Mom, really. Just something between Kyle and I,"

"Oh, you didn't break up did you?" she asked.

"No Mom. We are fine, He just, never mind," I spoke.

I think she could tell something was up. Like all Moms do. It's like they have some mind-reading extra sense.
Especially for me. Type One Moms (Moms of children with Type One Diabetes) have it so hard. It's almost like they have Type One too. My Mom is always carb counting for me, figuring out how to deal with a low or even a high.
I took my phone out of my back pocket and saw that I had gotten a text from Kyle.

Kyle: hey can we talk?

Should I reply? Or should I just ignore him? I don't know at this point.

Leah: I guess.

Kyle: Listen I know you're mad but, I don't want you to deal with the same stress that I have.

Leah: I'm still your friend?! I'm always stressing for you! I freaking love you!

Kyle: You do?

Leah: Yes I do! I fucking do! I wouldn't get in a relationship with someone if I wasn't attracted to them!

Kyle: You're right.

Leah: Yeah, I guess.

And that was the end of our conversation. I couldn't stand talking to someone who had just broken my heart. I didn't want to shut him out, but I did at the same time.
I was heartbroken.
The pictures I had of us around my room suddenly meant nothing. I still had the necklace on, that he gave me before I left for Gatlinburg. I undid the clasp and set the beautiful thing back in the box I got it in.
I plugged my headphones into my phone and pressed shuffle.
I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
Amnesia by Five Seconds Of Summer.
Great, a song that is going to make me even sadder.
My lights were off, and it was just me, laying on my bed alone. My phone buzzed again.

Evan: just heard you broke up with Kyle cause of his Cancer spreading! Bitch!

And it buzzed again.

Aliyah: You sick human! Dumping Kyle bc of Cancer!

Great. Now I'm the bad guy. I decided to call Kyle and set things straight.
"Kyle what the fuck did you do?" I almost shouted into the phone

"Nothing, I just," He paused. "Changed my relationship status on Facebook,"

"Whatever, Guess it's time for me to do that too huh?"

"I-I don't know," He sounded upset.

"Goodbye Kyle." I spoke and hung up.

"Could this day get any worse?!?" I yelled at myself.

I was at the point now where I couldn't stand myself. My eyes hurt so much from all my crying.
Deep down inside, I had the urge. The urge to burn all of our pictures and break everything.
I got up and just couldn't control myself anymore, I shoved the framed picture of Kyle and I at one of his cleanings off my nightstand and onto my hardwood floor. The glass frame broke into what seemed like a million pieces.

"No!! No! I'm such an idiot! I hate myself! Ugh why am I so stupid!" I shouted.

My mother must have heard me because she came running. But jokes on her, I locked the door.

"Leah! Leah Elizabeth open this door right now! Let me in!" She banged on the door.

"No! Go away!!"

"Leah let me in!" She yelled again.

"No!" I cried.

I sank down to the floor in front of my door. My heart ached. But I couldn't stand myself.

"What's wrong Leah?" My mom yelled.

"It's him! He ruined my life!" I said my voice cracking.

"Who? Who ruined your life?"

"Kyle did!! I hate him so much!" I began crying again.

"That prick is going to get it! I swear to god if I see him anywhere, I'm going to beat his ass!" I heard my Dad tell Mom.

"Leah, Let us in!" Dad said again.

"No! Just go away, I want to be alone," I spoke partially calm.

"Fine. But if you need anything, you know where we are."

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