Chapter Eleven

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April 10th
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

It was strange waking up, and knowing my parents were far from me. I needed to grow up and learn to take care of myself on my own though. And I think coming here to live with my grandparents was the perfect way to do it.
I had worked out a deal, that I would pay them fifty dollars a month so they could have enough to pay for food and other things that involved me, such as the fall, spring and summer fairs that occurred many times throughout the year. I promised Gramps that I would help out around the farm and get a job in town somewhere.
Most of the people in town knew me, as I lived here when I was younger. My father had gotten a job transfer to Nashville, and he moved out there while my Mom, Gramps and Gran and I lived here on the ranch.
I went to school here. At a school called West Eagle Elementary. That was my elementary school.
Then I went to West Eagle High for most of my high school years until of course, I moved out to Nashville.
I remember there being so many cute guys at W.E.E. It was unbelievable.
I also remember having this huge crush on this nerd, Gilbert Potter was his name.
I think I only liked him because he helped me with my homework.

"Leah Hun, Can you please drive into town and pick up some groceries please?" Gran asked.

"Yes Gran, Of course,"

So I grabbed the car keys out of the kitchen cabinet and ran out to the car with my purse and phone.
People say I'm quite young to be driving. I'm fifteen, and I am in the middle of learning. But, it was only a five minute drive and I was pretty good with driving and being safe and all these things my parents wanted me to be.
I buckled my seatbelt and drove out onto the highway connecting to the main road.
It was odd passing all my friends old houses.
Millers, Tutterman, Waprons, Restils.

I thought to myself as I named all the last names of my friends who I used to take the bus with back in my elementary days.
Sure, I'm only fifteen. But I haven't seen these kids in years. Ever since we moved out to Nashville, I haven't seen any of them since.
I pulled into a parking space beside a red pickup truck and walked into the grocery store. I didn't bother to push a cart, and instead picked up a basket from a pile inside the entrance.
This grocery store used to be called 'Newmans Grocery' back when I was here last.
Now some fat old guy bought the place and renamed it 'Justin's Food'. To be honest I loved the Newman family, they were really sweet.
I used to hang out with their daughter Missy Newman all the time.
Mr and Mrs Newman had seven children together, maybe an eighth since I've been here?
Their choice of names for the children were just outstanding, beautiful names.
Elijah and Everest were boy\girl twins and they were both 17 now. Emery was 15 and so was Missy. Primrose was 10, Pippa was 6 and Wesley was 4.
Now, I think that is all the children but I honestly couldn't remember for the life of me. The names were so unique and easy to forget.
Elijah, Everest, Emery, Missy, Primrose, Pippa and Wesley. What a bunch!
Mr and Mrs Newman worked everyday to support their growing family, and they thought it would only be appropriate to start a family business. So all their family worldwide began opening up Newmans Grocery stores all over the globe.
I walked into aisle three. The junk food section.
As a diabetic, it sucks not always being able to eat whatever whenever so, I decided to buy some candy to celebrate like twelve years of being diabetic.

"Leah Sinison? My have you grown!" A familiar voice cooed behind me.

I cocked my head while in the midst of pulling a bag of gummy bears off the shelf.

"Mrs Newman? And four more little Newmans?" I smiled at her.

"Why yes, They are the best out of the bunch today!"

"Wow Mrs Newman, That must be a lot to handle, I couldn't imagine having seven children!"

"It's actually up to fourteen now dear," She corrected me.

"Wow, that's just, unreal,"

"Yes Dear, Mr Newman just doesn't know when to stop! Teehee!" She giggled.

I could have gone without that thought.

"So, Leah, Where are you living now? I'm always in need of a babysitter!" She laughed.

"I'm on my grandparents ranch, just off the highway," I explained, dropping my bag of gummy bears into the basket.

"Oh nice, Would you mind if I got you to babysit these four monkeys?" She asked politely.

"Um, I guess I could, Couldn't Elijah or Everest do it?" I suggested.

"Oh no! Elijah is married now, with two little girls of his own! They're sweethearts!"

"Well I guess I could watch them for a few hours," I spoke.

"Alright dear, These are my youngest, Willow, May, Sunny, and Donald," She smiled pointing at each of the kids.

Like I said, unique, easy to forget names.
I helped Mrs Newman lift the kids out of her grocery cart. I held onto Willow because she was the smallest. Then I sat May and Sunny in the grocery basket, it was a pretty big basket. And little Donald followed me around pulling the girls in the basket.
It was quite a sight if I do say so myself.
I tried to finish my shopping as soon as possible because it was kind of weird being fifteen and pulling four children around a grocery store with me.
I had to get pickles, barbecue potato chips, bread, bacon, eggs and a bottle of ketchup.
The kids definitely helped carry the bags and basket out to the car and they helped load the car.
It was a bit awkward putting the kids in the car without car seats, especially since they're under 8.
But I guess I was sort of illegally driving.. not that that is a good thing.
I got in the front seat and started the car.
"Alright.,. Uh Kids, we're gonna go back to my house okay?" I hesitated.


"Guys?" I turned around and smiled at the four little faces.

"Right, they're under five too," I whispered to myself.

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