Chapter 4: The Wedding

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We were getting ready in the dressing room; the final day had finally come. When I and the other girls were together, everything was planned from the beginning to the end. Everything was about to start. I received a text from Isabel asking if I wanted to come to her to help her. I said to Natasha, who was standing next to me, "I am going to Isabel." She asked if I could help her. "Yes, that's fine," said Natasha, "I'll see in a few minutes."

I went to the elevator of the hotel where the wedding was going to take place. I arrived at the floor where Isabel was getting ready and wanted to knock on the door of the room where Isabel was. But before I knocked, I heard someone talking to Isabel in a quite angry voice. I first thought about whether I should knock, but then I did because I was worried about Isabel.

I heard footsteps walking towards the door at lightning speed, and the door opened. Who was standing in front of me? The woman I only saw once in my life when I graduated from school. Isabel's mother looked at me with a shocking but, at the same time, angry look. She turned to Isabel, who was standing by the window, and said to her, "The last word has not yet been said about this; we will talk about this another time." She walked out the door and pushed me aside.

I turned my head to Isabel, walked to her, and said, "What's going on?" When I saw that, tears started to fall from Isabel's eyes. She stood up, walked towards me, and hugged me tightly. I also wrapped my arms around her, and I have never seen her cry. "What is it? Are you okay?" I asked.

Isabel took a deep breath and began to explain, her voice trembling with emotion. She told me about a family dispute that had escalated, causing tension between her and her mother. It seemed like there were unresolved issues. As she spoke, I could feel the weight of her distress. I listened attentively, offering comfort and support. The atmosphere in the room became very sad.

Isabel expressed her uncertainty about her future, not just in terms of the wedding but also in her relationship with her mother. She said she appreciated my presence and the fact that I had come to help her in this difficult moment. With genuine concern, I assured her that I would stand by her side no matter what and that she wasn't alone in facing these challenges. But your friendship and support would endure.

Together, we decided to address the situation delicately with her and say, "It's okay." I said, "Take a deep breath." She stopped talking and breathed in and out. I said to her, "You don't have to feel horrible about the things your mother said to you. This is your day-to-day, what you want with the person you want to be with."

Isabel looked at me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and sadness. Taking another deep breath, she nodded appreciatively. It was clear that the weight on her shoulders wasn't solely about the wedding but extended to her relationship with her mother. I gently suggested to her that it might be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with her mother about these feelings, but she said that was never going to work. My mother, she said, is a horrible person. You don't know her, but I do.

As we continued to talk, Isabel shared more details about the family dispute and the long-standing issues that had led to the current tension. I listened attentively as Isabel poured out her feelings, understanding that the situation was more complex than it appeared. The pain and frustration in her voice revealed the depth of the wounds that had accumulated over time.

"It sounds like there's a lot of history and hurt between her and her mother," I commented, choosing my words carefully. Isabel sighed and said, "I just don't think she'll ever change. It's been like this for so long, and I've tried talking before. It always ends in an argument or silence," she said.

"I understand, but you have the right to define your own happiness," I said, and today is about celebrating your choices and your love. "Maybe for now, focus on the present," I suggested. "Let's ensure today goes smoothly, and when you're ready, we can look for a way to deal with the issues today. You deserve support, love, and understanding."

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