Chapter 9 : The pack

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→→Song: Do you wanna rock, Danko jones

→→Picture of Trevor

Hello readers, a new chapter again. After meeting the family, it's time to meet the pack. It's a lot of encounter. Good luck to you Gaël.


Eriu POV

I watched my mom pass again giving order. She was exited for the pack to meet their new Luna. Everything was hectic, pack member were running around with chair and building the stage for the speech that would come later on. In fact, every pack meeting was hectic, with 2 000 pack members to organize and give a place to sit on.

Moreover, after packs meeting were feast like small get together for everyone to catch on their lives. I was watching and stressing myself a little. I would welcome everyone in the pack and introduce the new Luna all in the same day. It was already a relief that the human from Gaël's unit knew about werewolf. If not, it would have had been a bigger problem.

The meeting was about to start in fifteen and Gaël was to come in ten minutes. My father called everyone attention and made them sit down so that the meeting could start as soon as I came. I want outside to see two black SUV and a black ford mustang 302 cabriolet 1968. It was a beautiful car.

I saw the guys make their way out of the SUVs. I had seen Gaby, Cyrus and my thirds mate, but I couldn't see my mate. I found him on crutches coming out of the mustang. As I ade my way toward him, I mindlinked my father to say they had arrived.

He pulled out his wheelchair and sat on it. "Good evening, I'm sorry for the chair but the guys wouldn't let me take only my cane after yesterday fall when I can stand perfectly well without anything for ten minutes." I chuckled. "It's good, no one will say anything." I said smiling than we made our way to the meeting zone.

Gaël POV:

He pushed us out toward a stage than made us wait before going up. He cleared his throat. Everyone shut up which was impressive with nearly 2 000 peoples here. He started his speech. "Welcome everyone and thanks for coming. Today I've three great news for you all." The pack cheered.

"The first new is for your thirds to make!" Aed and Dea made a step in front of the stage were they stood with Zack, Eriu's parents and whom I assumed to be Zack's mate. "Today, our first announcement will be that we've found our mates Xavier and Basil." The pack cheered vigorously as Xavier and Basil made their way up the stage.

Eriu started to speak again. "The second new will be the addition to our pack of nine new highly trained warriors wolf including your thirds mates." The guys saluted me as they made their way up on the stage. They had a ceremony to welcome them in the pack. When they finished the ceremony, Zack spoke.

"The third new is probably the most important." Slowly, I made my way up the stairs with Gaby and Leïla. She had come down and hugged the life out of me. "Today, I've the privilege to tell you that your Alpha found his mate. Welcome Gaël Black, your future Luna." As I arrived on stage, the pack cheered but some were looking suspiciously.

Eriu came and wrapped his arms around mt waist from behind. I heard the pack howling and wolf whistling. Eriu than made his way to the micro. "As you know, I've met my mate. He's family with the new packs member and he'll be the new trainer for the warriors of the pack. Meeting dismissed." Chatting around started. We made our way to Eriu's parents.

"Hello Jack, nice meeting you again!" I greeted. "Nice to see you again to Gaël." he said shacking my hand. Than I introduced the guys to Jack and Leïla. "So I said you would meet my family. This is my squad and family."" I said as the guys greeted them and presented themselves.

We discussed a little more, than we made our way through the crowd. I met Nola, Zack's mate. She was a really nice girl, a little shy with red hair and deep brown eyes. "Eriu, excuse me, I'll go talk with Gaby and Cyrus." I said before leaving him to his chat with Zack and Nola.

As I wheeled myself toward Gaby, I felt eyes glaring daggers through my neck. I shrugged it off and made my way to Gaby. When I arrived, I came face to chest with a tall guy with broad shoulders, hard features who had some scars. "Captain, meet Ralf, the head warrior of this pack. Ralf, meet our captain Gaël Black!" Gaby made the presentations.

"It's my pleasure Luna!" he said shacking my hand."Wait...Captain as in military?" he asked. Cyrus nodded. "So you're a squad, I was also in the marines for four years before coming back here!" I was surprised but after all why not. "You know that in this pack, there's some ancient military. How long have you been in the army?" he asked. "Eight years" Cyrus and Gaby answered. "A little more than ten years for me" "Whoah you guys has been in long!"

We started discussing some more and Ralf presented us to the others retires military. There was about twenty of them. We were discussing when I felt a paair of arms gripping around my neck. I caught the small body that hugged me. Bland hairs where flying everywhere.

"Gaël, you're back." "Aïlis, hello to you too." I exclaimed kissing her cheek. "Can you come play with me?"She pleaded with puppy dog eyes. I groaned unable to say no to those eyes. "Sorry guys but it seems that I'm called to play!" Aïlis sat on my laps and guided me to a group of children while appreciating the ride.

There again, I felt eyes glare at my back. I'm starting to think that someone don't like me very much. I was introduced to every kids. They asked every question that came to their mind that I answered as much as I could but some where really hard. Not about myself but how do kids come to ask themselves and how do you answer to a kid who ask you:"Why is a smurf blue?" or "How does a ant poop?" I don't have the sightless idea.

I escaped by proposing a game. We started playing. They ran around as I chased after them. When I caught one, the others escaped, so I made them sit on my laps. It was the only way for them not to escape again. When the game ended, we started another game.

I made eyes contact with Eriu who smiled. I went back to the game when I was dragged to a corner of the garden. I came face to face with a guy who was glaring at me. "You aren't qualified enough to be Luna let alone training our pack!" He spatted acidly

"And who might you be?" I asked to the man who seemed to hate me even if I didn't know him. "Trevor, first warrior of the pack after the head warrior." he said coyly. "And I challenge you fr your right as a trainer, since you can't even move yourself from your chair, you shouldn't even be here!"

I was pushed back by an arm. "How dare you make a comment about our captain, your Luna and challenge him?!!?" Said Cyrus as more than half the guys were having a protecting stance over me. Trevor looked slightly scared from all the guys bulk form.

"Move soldier!!" I said with the tone I used during our training and missions that made them comprehend that I was deadly serious. The guys immediately moved and made a line. I advanced again eyeing him smirking as all the guys groaned and protested. He don't know whats coming.

"I accept your challenge."


Yay, a new chapter ended. The next update will be tomorow. Gaël, prepare yourself for tha challenge against Trevor. See you tomorow reader!! :3 <3

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