Chapter 11 : Training Them

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→→Song: Breaking the habit, Linkin park

→→Picture of Ralf

Good reading for this new chapter. Leav as many comments you want.


Gaël POV:

Black, it was all black. Suddenly a field, like the desert. I looked down, I wore my camo pants and combats boots. I had my belt with munition. In hand my riffle. But what was the more puzzling was that I was standing on my own without any pain.

I looked around, small abandoned houses, than I saw a little girl with two guys before her. I could hear muffled sound. I ran toward them. Has I came around, the two guys took the girl. "Don't move or we'll shoot!" Asking them not to do it, I approached them. Suddenly "BANG!", the little girl fell to the ground lifeless. I was shacking. No, someone was shacking me.

"Wake...Gaël, wake...up!" My eyes fluttered open. I saw Cyrus and Xavier watching me carefully. "The same??" they asked. I nodded. Since I woke up from the challenge for trainer with Trevor, I had had the same nightmare from my time in Afghanistan.

I lifted myself in my wheelchair than made my way downstairs. On my way down, in the elevator, I thought about that day when the little girl died. The ding from the door opening took me out of my mind. "Guys, I'm going to train!" I said. For the last two weeks, I had been training Eriu's pack. They are okay warriors, but if a big attack were to come, they would need to be better.

When I arrived to the pack house, It was still early, like six thirty in the morning. I made my way in, I had made it an habit to take breakfast here. Eriu had given me a copy of the key a week before saying it would be easier for me. When I entered, I made my way toward the kitchen.

My chair wobbled and I nearly fell when two little arms tried to tackle me in a hug. Two little arms came around my neck accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Aïlis, why are you up so early?" I asked wheeling us to the kitchen. "I heard you when you arrived!" she answered. "Can you make me pancakes?" I smiled down at her and accepted.

For the last two days, she had asked me pancakes since I made some for myself one morning and she woke up early than everyone else." I rolled to the stove, took two bolls out and prepared pancakes. We ate them together talking about Barbies and school.

At seven and an half, I leaved her watching TV with others kids before making my way to the training field. Some of the guys were already here. I greeted Ralf and Zack and chatted some more before going at the end of the field. I stood up with the help of my cane and yelled "Training start NOW!!" Everyone chat-up.

"Today, we'll work on endurance and your fighting techniques. We'll start with running!!"

Eriu POV:

Since training started, everyday, the warriors came back drained and drenched in sweats. It seemed as if my mate was the devil while training. When I spoke about it with Ralf, the answer had made me curious of what kind of training my mate made them do. My warriors seemed to have a new found respect for my mate and they all seemed to have become stronger and better in fighting.

Each time I asked him, he would be evasive, saying It was basics. But everyday he came back from training, everybody was dead. Back to Ralf answer, "For the last ten days, I made friend with Gaël. He's really nice and comprehensive and speak little. But nothing could have prepared me for the personality change to drill sergeant. In training, he's a demon, I mean even I didn't think about half the methods of training he made us do. And he's strict as hell!!"

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