Chapter 5 : The squad

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→→ Song : Starlight ,  Muse

→→picture of Zack, Charlie Winzar

Here again, I'm in hollyday so I'll be able to write more chapters. Good reading!!


Eriu POV

« Hello guys, nice to meet you all !" my mate greeted "The name's Gaël."Gaël, I thought, such a beautiful name for an handsome man. I was startled by my mate yelling "GUYS, END OF THE TRAINING!!". A chorus of "Yeah" and "Already" which surprised me, they wanted to train more, even my warriors don't train as much. "Come on in guys" he bellowed us as he stood up. As if on cue, Gaby placed himself on his right and offered him his arm. 'Why is he...My wolf stated angry before I tuned him off. Gaël swapped his arm away and took crutches that the rogue guy gave him.

Crutches,what happened to my mate, was he hurt, could he have died? Sensing my uneasiness, Zack placed a hand on my shoulder 'Alpha, calm down,we'll find out what happened.' When he opened he door, all that were training were sprawled in the game room. "Be back in two minutes." Said my mate. As he disappeared, I turned back to theguys that were bickering. Suddenly, tree of the guys got up and run upstairs after a big 'Thud' was heard. There were only rogues in room but they all had their gaze looking up worried but not about us.

"Mate!"growled Aed and Dea looking at two guys practically identical. At the same time, Zack growled menacingly "Rogues!". All the guys head whipped in our direction. "What are you doing on the bloody moonwalker pack's land?" I asked in full alpha mode. They all bowed their head. "Alpha, we didn't mean to cross your land, but all the guys upstairs and us are a family, I know they are human but with what we've supported together, with our common life, we can't stand to be apart. So please, Alpha, since it seems that we won't move anymore, can we please be apart of your pack?" I thought about it, here was Aed, Dea and my mates. I turned toward Zack who nodded back.

"It will be a pleasure, but you'll have to train us a little more. Just a question, do they know??" I asked pointing to the ceiling. "Well..nope, they don't know and for the training you'll have to see with Gaël, it's him that train us and he's the best of us all. By the way, the name's Mark and this is Cyrus, Jim, Ethan, Altan, Quentin and the one here is Xavier" he said pointing at Aed's mate "And his twin Basil." he said pointing at Dea's mate. As if on cue, Gaëland the other guys came in. "I see you started the presentation Mark, well the name's Gaël if you didn't know, those two idiots here are Riad and Tony and you know Gaby." My wolf was giddy from the happy smile of his mate.

"Captain, you should sit down, you haven't since we came in from training so it's been thirty minutes." said Cyrus followed by a chorus of "What!!" and Gaby obliged him to sit on a sofa. Captain? Why do they call him captain? As if voicing my thought, Dea and Aed asked them.

"They're my squad, my team, we're all retired marines from the same unit."my beautiful mate said. "And so he's our captain, and always has been since he was eighteen, make that nine years." Gaby pipped in before going to the kitchen. 'Still, why are rogues taking order from a human they could overpower anytime?' Zack mindlinked me. As if sensing the question, Cyrus spoke "He can make us all eat the dust in fight, training and strategy and he has seen more than all of us in his life since he's been in the army longer than us all even before we made the team." "God, stop that Cyrus!!" my mate groaned, his hands hiding his face. All the guys started to tease him. You could see that they were interacting like a tight knitted family, like brothers.

Gaby came in the room. "Guys, let the captain alone, time to eat." All the guys scrambled to their feet and rushed out of the room to the food. Than he turned toward us. "Zack, Eriu and the twins, you want to eat with us, there is enough for you as well." We accepted and went up and started to go, but I saw that my mate wasn't coming.

"Are you ok?" I asked worried. He smiled at us. "Go on before us"Gaby said. We went out of the room, but I was worried so I stayed behind when I heard them talk.

"Captain; stop daydreaming and drooling over the Eriu dud and come, if not, the guys will eat everything!"

"Oh shush, and I'm just tired, not drooling." Gaël said on the defensive. "You so were!" responded Gaby teasingly. I heard Gaby's 'Ouch'

We were howling in joy my wolf and I to the knowledge of our mate being gay and liking our body. It would be so much easier for us later. Than I heard thumping noises. I stopped eavesdropping and made my way toward the kitchen.

Aed and Dea were near there mates and they had all started a huge foodfight. When Gaby and my mate came in, they groaned. "Guys, you're so all going to wash that. If not, I will upgrade training" Said Gaël. They were all whining "Not that again Cap!!"

My wolf was watching my mate smirk at his team, than we started to eat.


I hope the chapter was to your liking. The next one as soon as posible. Good reading. ^-^ ;) 

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