Chapter 19 : On the base

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→→Song: The memory remain, Metallica

→→Picture of Roy

A new chapter again, good reading!!


Gaël POV :

"Eriu, we're going!" "Ok love, stay safe!" he mumbled. Today was the day of my check-up as well as the rest of the squad on the base. Since it was two hours away, we choose to go early in the morning. I made my way out of the room where laid an half asleep Eriu.

I closed the door and went down to the kitchen. "Ready?" "Yes cap!" We all made our way to our cars. We stacked in our two two eight place black hummers. I took the front passenger seat and Xavier sat behind the wheel than we took off.

We drove the two hours stopping once for breakfast. We were all talking about everything but mainly G. I. corporation and the base to which we were going. Passing the guarded doors, I felt a bit nostalgic. The NNB or Nevada north base was the first in which I served after the death of my parents.

This base was a lot of memories for me. My first training, first shot, it was also the base in which I met Greg, my first teammate and also the first man I lost on a mission. It was the base in which I met Cyrus and a year later Gaby. The base in which we first started our team before meeting the others guys on our second base.

I stopped those bittersweet memories when Xavier parked the car. Gaby gave me my chair than we went to the infirmary. I was the first to be checked and with no surprise, I was judged inapt and sent on permanent medical leave.

As I went outside, I was lost in my tought playing with my dog-tags and, without being aware, I found myself right before a really familiar door. I knocked. "Enter!" I pushed open the door to see this oh so familiar face.

He didn't even lift his eyes from his computer, busy as always. I wheeled in the room and waited for him to look at me.. "What do you want?" he asked dryly. "I see your manner didn't evolve much since the last time I saw you Roy!"

His head snapped up, his eyes bulging out of his socket when he saw me. "Black? Oh shit, Black you're back!" he said getting up to shake my hand. "Yep, I'm not a ghost, so, you're still in charge of this base!" "Yep, some things doesn't change!"

Roy had been commander of this base from my start and like a second father. He was a large man with black hairs and some grays in a buzz-cut, brown eyes and he was clad in his military attire.

"so what are you doing here in this chair Gaël?" "Long story. When I left the base...." I told him about the second base, the squad and our time oversea. He already knew some about the unit and what kind of missions we did. When I finished to me waking up in the hospital and moving back to Nevada with the guys.

"Whoah, a lot happened! So wants to train one of the elite group. I want to see if you still have it in you!" I shrugged and we made our way toward my one of the training fields. Roy tapped the trainer on the shoulder. "Hey, Black will take over training!" The guy nodded an left the training ground.

"Everybody stop!" Roy bellowed. Everybody was in line in less than two minutes. "You'll be trained by Gaël here for this morning!" he instructed and soon enough, I took free rein of training. And, after two hours, I had a bunch of soldiers ready to collapse.

"End of training, you can go!" They all scampered around quickly. "See you still got it in you to go by your name of Satan trainer!" Roy exclaimed chuckling. He took hold of the two handle of my chair and pushed me further on the base.

We stopped to let an unit pass on their jog. We passed the A-course. Some where climbing the cord, other crawling under barbed wire in the mud while being yelled at by their instructor.

We continued our way and stopped on a training field for the future snipers. I couldn't help myself and corrected some details, a position of the hand or the head from a millimeter.

"What do you think you're doing!" Yelled the young instructor who seemed one or two years younger than me. "By which right do you correct my students when I'm sure you don't know anything about shooting!" I smirked. "Want to bargain!"

I heard a familiar chuckle. "You're incorrigible Cap!" I took one of the riffle and looking at the instructor shot two times. Three of the small plates targets shattered a good two miles away. "So, still think I don't shot well!" I said to the now gaping instructor as I uncovered my hips for him to see my tattoo of the riffle with the quote.

I felt Gaby clapping my back and Cyrus chuckling. "That wasn't fair captain, It's your field after all and even the one from your start!" I smiled at that.

"Cyrus, Gaby you two haven't changed!" Exclaimed Roy hugging the both of them. I was about to answer a question from Roy when I was cut by the instructor that finally stopped gaping.

"Wait, I thought this field was the one named after the youngest sniper ever to enter the snipers corps at the age of seventeen, that trained on this base!" "You've got him in blood and bones!" Said Gaby. His reaction was really funny. We left him there stunned.

We chatted some more with Roy, I presented to him the squad and we ate together. After that, we needed to make our way back to the pack. We paid our goodbye and I promised Roy to contact him and come see him more often.

And soon, we where on our way back and home. I hugged Aïlis and kissed my mate. "You've got some fun today?" Asked Eriu. I smiled at him lovingly. "Yes, really much but I missed you!"


I hope you liked. See you next chapter reader! ;3 >-<

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