Chapter 17 : Wounded

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→→Song: Hurt, Devotion

→→Picture of Gaël's vest

It's becoming more and more interesting!! I hope you like! Good reading!!


Eriu POV:

His jaw was approaching my neck. I turned around and clawed his face. Partially blinded, I ended his life by snapping his neck. I looked up and saw that the last wolves were taken care off. 'Zack, Ralf, go search for Aïlis and my mate, they're in the west part of the wood around the hill.'

They scampered immediately to go find them. 'Go find mate!' growled my wolf. 'We can't and you know it!' I cut him. He chat-up because he knew perfectly well that the pack come first and only our mate right after.

I started rounding the field, helping those who where wounded. The women were already out helping and providing first aid. As I was helping to the infirmary one of the older fighter who had a deep gash on his leg, I was blinded by a gleam.

It was something metallic. I asked someone else to help the warrior before going toward the metallic thing. I found Gaby and Cyrus discussing near it. When I was near enough to make out what it was, I stressed more about my mate.

Where's he without his wheelchair? "Guys..." I was about to ask them about what happened when Ralf mindlinked me. 'Found him, but I don't know where Aïlis is. You should come... and maybe Cyrus or Gaby, it would be better!' I was relieved by his answer but also a little puzzled.

"Gaby, Cyrus can you come with me, we've found Gaël but it seems that Ralf and Zack needs you but for what, i don't have the slightest idea." They looked at each other before recognition passed object their faces.

"We should hurry because, if it's what we think, Ralf or Zack might be in a dangerous situation sooner than later! And, by the way, Gaël contacted us, your sister is with him, I'm sure of this."

I was intrigued by what Gaby said but didn't ask more because I was more worried about my mate and sister in a dangerous situation than anything else.Cyrus took the wheelchair, than we took off in the direction to where Ralf mindlinked me.

When we arrived, we were met by a really peculiar scene. Ralf had his hands up above his head in defeat with my mate pointing an handgun at him with eyes closed, leaning on a three with Zack in a head lock, a blade against his neck looking scared. It was one hell of a scene to see.

I was about to take a new step in their direction when I was stopped by Gaby who looked at me and shook his head negatively. Cyrus and Gaby looked at each others before sighting and nodding. They seemed to have already seen this kind of scene before.

"Captain, victims secured and enemies taken care off, the place is safe!!" I watched Cyrus as if he was mad, what does he think off in this kind of situation. But, as if on cue, Gaël slumped back against the three, letting go of his blade, gun and also letting go of his hold on Zack.

As soon as he was free, Zack ran from him. "Is he mad? We were just trying to help!" he exclaimed still a little shocked. "Nope, he does that every time he's on the brink of consciousness, it's a defense mechanism he developed in his years being overseas to protect himself!" Answered Gaby.

"And, if I'm correct, he hided your little sister somewhere around!" I looked at him before calling for Aïlis. Not even two minutes later, Aïlis jumped from the tree Gaël was leaning against and ran in my arms sobbing. "Eriu... It was so scary... Rogues... Gaël..."

"Aïlis, calm down and explain everything again please." She hiccuped and sniffed some more before starting again. "It was so scary, I was playing hide and s-seek when rogues f-found m-me. I was s-so sc-scared b-but Gaël arrived an-and f-fought the r-rogues but h-he had a l-lot of boubous!" she sobbed.

I gave her to Ralf so that she could go be checked by the doc. Than, I turned around toward my mate, he didn't seem hurt but... "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eriu, we should hurry, I knew I had seen this vest before, it's the one he had put on the last time we found him wounded heavily. It was hidden in his chair with his sniper rifle!"

I rushed toward my mate and took him in my arms, he didn't even move. His vest was wet was soaked in blood. I ripped it from his body. What I saw horrified me. Nothing could of have prepared me to see my mate in this state!

I saw teeth wound on his right leg and his left one wasn't in the right direction, his knee totally shattered. He had a small cut on the throat. But what was the scarier was his back. When I turned him around, I heard Gaby, Zack and Cyrus gasp.

His back was lacerated. Nearly fifty deep gashes were running around his back and blood oozed out. It worried me. With his already damaged spin...

"His aim is as good as ever!" Said an amazed Gaby. "You don't mean..." Zack didn't and his sentence because he couldn't dream of that as much as me. "Yep, he did shot those rogues from a fifteen miles distance while being heavily wounded and protecting a little girl!"

I didn't have time to be amazed, because my wolf growled loudly at me. 'Help Mate, mate hurt, help mate!' It was enough for me to shift. Zack laid Gaël on my back and I ran to the pack house. 'Doc, I have an urgency, come quick at the door, I'm coming!' 'Ok'

When I arrived at the house, the doc was already out waiting. "Alpha, what the urg..." he didn't even finish, seeing the state in which my mate, his Luna was. He immediately took him from my back, put him on a stretcher and rolled off toward the infirmary.

When I came in the medical ward, a nurse explained that Gaël was in surgery. We only had one thing to do, wait! I started pacing the waiting room. My mom and dad tried calming me as well as my bro and sisters but nothing would do. All of Gaël's squad entered the room and without saying anything, they sat and waited, anxious for their captain and brother.

After about three hours, the doc came out of the operating room with a grave face. "How's he? How's my mate doc?" He shook his head negatively.

"I'm sorry!"


Big clif hanger!! What happened to Gaël, how's he??? You'll see next chapter!! See you again in the next chapter reader!! >-< <3

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