Chapter 6 : It's my role

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→→ Song: Pain, Three Days Grace

A new chapter again, leave as many comments as you wants so that I can make my chapters and story better.


Gaël POV :

When those four pieces of fine men came in the garden, my eyes where automatically drown toward one. He was gigantic, like one feet taller than me, with a broad back and arms like tree trunk. Messy spiked short black hair and green eyes that I couldn't seem to have enough of, like a forest with lots of mystery. I was instantly drown toward him and Gaël Jr was in agreement with that idea.

Those thought came again and I started daydreaming again sinking in those green gem and pleading with my little man to go down. I snapped back of it and turned my gaze from Eriu's. Such a beautiful name. I looked around the table "Oh god, Xavier, Basil go fuck those two and stop stripping them with your eyes." I half joked. They turned bright red. "That was mean Cap" whined Basil covering his face while all the other were snickering. The two hopped out of table and guided Aed and Dea out of the room. "Well we all know what they'll be doing."pipped Cyrus. At that, we all chuckled.

A sudden wave of pain washed upon me. I cringed. "Cap, you're all right?" "Yeah Gaby!" I dismissed him, my back had been throbbing since I faceplanted Jim this morning in training.

I took my plate and went to stand, but as soon as I was on my crutches, a huge wave of pain came on me. I dropped everything I hold. The plates went clattering on the ground. A bigger pain assaulted my back. I fall to the ground crying in pain. "What's happening?" Asked a panicking Zack who didn't know my issues as I felt that I was scooped up in a pair of unknown arms that sent sparks to my skin. Than everything went black.

Eriu's POV:

My mate stood when suddenly, he collapsed on the ground crying out in pain clutching his back. My wolf went ballistic "Mate hurt, go to mate, mate hurt!". I heard swearing "Fuck, not again, Cap stay with me!" "Why didn't he say anything?" I cradled my mate to my chest. "Come with me, you need to lay him down in his bed." Gaby guided Zack and me toward my mate room. "Sorry you had to see that!Gaël doesn't like to seem weak so he never tell us and he didn't tell us again about his injury hurting him once more. He's really stubborn." Gaby said looking down at my mate.

We entered a room. It was simple but comfy, it was in the old Alpha suit. With Black and green walls and dark wood furniture. Tere was also a lot of books and a black piano in the next room and a big glazed bay that leaded to a balcony. I lay down my mate gently on his bed. Baby came with a needle and stung my mate. "What's that??"Asked Zack. "Don't worry, it's just painkiller from the doc."When my mate breathing evened, Gaby ushered us out and back towardthe living room.

"How is he?" "Fine guys, just overworked himself." "He'll be in a fool mood when he wake up." "Yeah!" I watched them interact than asked the question that plagued my mind since my mate collapsed."What just happened?" All the guys turned toward us, a look of sorrow and sadness on their face. "Sit, we'll tell you since you've seen him like that." Everyone took place in the armchairs and sofas. Aed and Dea took their mate on their laps, listening since they've ended whatever they were doing upstairs.

"As you know, the captain as seen war for over eight years, for the six I've been under his order, never has he let us down. As you know, two months ago, we were still oversea in Afghanistan fighting on a special mission. Our unit, the Irwin Black Unit was used for special op since we're the most experienced and trained unit thanks to the captain. So we.." Cyrus was cut in his speech by Dea "Wait,you're THE Irwin Black Unit" he said astounded "What's the bigdeal?" Asked Zack mirroring my thought. "It's the Unit from all the rescue of soldiers and special op, the last rescued team was speaking about them in the news the other day. They're legend in the military and in the US" It clicked in my mind. "So you're saying that Gaël is THE famous Captain Black!"

"Yep,that's him , you seems to know the basic about our team, so as I was saying, two months ago, we were on a rescue mission, we had just found the hostages and were ready to open the door, when Gaël jumpedout in front of us from his place as a detonation went of. Heprotected us all, the Unit as well as the bruised and unconscious soldiers. Doing that, he wounded his spinal cord for our sake.""Which was my role as your captain to protect my unit. I had already lost enough soldier and I wasn't ready to lose my family."Cut in my mate wheeling himself in the room with a grave look on hisface. "Gaël, you should be resting!" "And you Gaby and the whole team should stop blaming yourselves for the accident, I would do it again if needed. When we pledged between us and formed this team, you were placed under my protection, it's my role." he said in a firm tone that left no room to argue. I was amazed by his dedication to his team and his authority, even I had no room to argue and my wolf submitted for a moment to him.

'You've got yourself one hell of a strong mate. My wolf couldn't go against his domineering tone and he doesn't even have the Luna voice. He'll be one hell of a Luna.' I was amazed by his dedication for his team. 'That's for sure.'

Gaël's POV:

I watched that guy Eriu. "Cap, you should stop undressing him with your eyes." "Gaby, Shush!!" I blushed being caught as I was prisoner of a pair of emeralds. "Wow, guys, look, the captain is blushing" I scowled at him while the guys laughed. But it was strange, it was the first time someone caught my eyes. And I was blushing like a schoolgirl for the least of his movement, so strange.

As they were all speaking around, I wheeled out of the room. That damn chair. I went upstairs to my piano. I started to play, it had beenyears since I last played, since before I went and enrolled in the army. I started softly to play Bohemian Rhapsody. I lost myself in the music and played all my frustration and sorrow. At the end of the song, I hit the keys with all my mind. 'Why couldn't I walk, I can't even stand for more than thirty without collapsing.' I heard clapping. "That was beautiful!"a voice whispered in my ear.

I turned around to be faced with a chest. I raised my gaze, I stared in his eyes. I couldn't move away, in his eyes swirled a sentiment I couldn't pinpoint. Suddenly all thought leaved my lead, it was a big blank. Sparks were erupting from my lips. Than it hit me in the face,Eriu was kissing me. His firm shaped lips, started moving slightly against mine. I found myself responding to the gesture. I pushed him  away trying to reassemble my scrambled thought and blushed. I think Iwas fire truck red, my figure was on fire. "I..., You..., You...,I" I stuttered gaping. "Could it have been your first kiss??" I blushed more. A look of joy came upon his face as if being my firstkiss was a prize in itself. "You're so cute. Would you liketogoonadatewithme?" he said rapidly. I took a minute to decipher what he had said. Than it hit me, that fine piece of ass want to go on a date with me. Than a question came, what will the team think. Than I thought, hell, Xav and Basil are gays and they've known I was since they entered the unit so it's not a problem. I whispered a simple word that lit up his eyes with joy.

 "Yes, I will go on a date with you."


The next chapter is the date. Any idea to where they could go?? I hope that you'll read the next chapter. >-< :-)

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