Chapter 15 : The attack

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→→Song: Warrior, Beth Crowley

→→Picture of Training

Action again, sweaty muscle in action. Yipeee!!!!! Good reading!


Gaël POV :

It's been ten days since the meeting about the rogues and nothing happened so far. Everybody went right with the new schedule and rules. The day of the meeting, I had grouped the squad to plan our own rules in case of an attack. At the end of the meeting, the guys thought it to be their role to embarrass me to death.


"End of the meeting!" As soon as I said that, all the guys turned toward me with creepy smile. " and Eriu..." Said Xavier in a suggestive voice wiggling his eyebrows. All the guys watched me with matching look. I groaned and hide my face in my hands. That made them snicker.

"So captain..." another continued "You did it?" he asked rhetorically. I knew they wouldn't let me out of this one so I nodded. "Whouhou, way to go captain!" I was patted on the back several times and the guys wolf-whistled and hooted. My only answer was a rash. "Go fuck yourself. Don't you all have something else to do!" They all left my room still snickering.

End of flashback

I turned in the right alley and drove toward the pack house. I had just stopped working. I had a lot to do with explaining to Amy and Lola and catching up on the work I had yet to do. It was a really full day with a lot of work. I wanted only one thing, and it was to go back home to my mate.

I parked on the front of the house, took my wheelchair, lifted myself in it and made my way in. I want to the Alpha office where I was sure I would find my mate. When I came in, he lifted his head. I went around his desk and pecked him on the lips. It was a gentle kiss that soon became heated as Eriu nipped my lips. I gave him access. Our tongs began fighting for dominance.

We were soon stopped when a small bundle of energy bargained in the room. "Gaël, Gaël, Gaël can you play with me pretty pleeasee!" She asked with puppy dogs eyes. I groaned. I couldn't say no to those eyes and this pout. 'Call of duty!' mindlinked Eriu playfully. 'Seems like it' I answered before pecking him.

"Ehwhewwerk!" "Aïlis come on!" She hopped on my laps and we went out the room. After three hours, I got a call. I looked and saw it was Lola. "Aïlis, I need to take this call." "Ok, we play hide and seek."

I smiled at her. When I saw here take off as a kid counted, I turned around and took the call. "Allo Lola, how are you?" "Fine Gaël, i call you because I need your help with something.." "Thought as much, go on!"

"You see, our Chinese collaborator need five ships to transports his articles. Since he's one of our big contractor, I couldn't refuse. But right now, we only have four ships in America, so I don't know how to process." She finished. I thought about it a little. "There will be a ship coming from Russia tomorrow at Boston. You'll use..."

A siren sound which cut short our talk. "Lola, I've got to go, if you don't find a solution, call me again!" "Ok!" was the only answer I got before disconnecting the call. 'Eriu, what's happening?' 'We're under attack, go back in with the children.' He said urgently through our link before shutting it.

I regrouped the kids, as we made our way in, I counted them. "...12...13 and 14. Fuck, where's Aïlis?" "The last time we've seen her was when she went hiding." told me Tom, one of the kids. Fuck Fuck Fuck was the only thing I thought as I ushered the kids in.

When I safely gave them to a female from the pack, I made my way out again. I got up from my chair, took out my knife from my left boot and shredded open the cushion sit of my chair. I took from it my briefcase abduction talkie-talkie.

We all had one in case of. I connected it as I made my way in the forest the quicker I could. 'Gaby, no question asked' I cut him before he even uttered a word. 'I know you'll fight, I've nothing against it but don't get yourself killed and no I'm not in the safe safe house, Aïlis's missing, I'm searching for her. I've my briefcase with me so I'll maybe help you from where I'll be! Go with what we planed.'

'Ok captain!' He knew better than to try to reason with me because he would loose. As soon as I was deep in the forest, I called for Aïlis. I heard growling and sobbing. I was livid. Hoping they didn't get to her, I accelerated as much as I could with my cane.

Right behind the bushes I was under stood a clearing. There was five rogues: two in wolf and three in human form. I loaded my gun that was in my breast pocket. I shot two times. The first rogue fallen dead. The second bullet only grazed the other rogue.

The four rogues whipped around growling, eyes blazing with furry. They seemed feral but it wasn't anything I hadn't ever seen. And I wasn't ready to have a repeat of that day in the desert where the little girl died right under my eyes and especially not with Aïlis. I grew attached to her since I encountered Eriu and seeing her paralyzed and scared out of her mind was enough to make my blood boil.

"What do we have here?, a disabled human!" Snickered one of the rogues. I let go of my briefcase when one of them lunged at me. I dropped to the ground and he leaped right above me. Another went after me. I stroked him with my cane but it was soon stolen from me, depriving me of any source of support.

They had all shifted go wolf form. I got another from a shot before I was dragged to the ground. One of the wolfs pounced on my back. He dragged his claws in my flesh and spine. It shot an excruciating pain in my whole body.

I rolled us around with difficulty and protected my neck with my arm. A jaw clamped around my arm, barely missing my throat. It shredded a chunk of my arm, snapping the bone at the same time. I plunged my knife in his skull. Two more to go!!

I got back up just to have my head and already bloodied back smashed on the ground under the weight of two wolves. They dragged their claw on my already lacerated back, deepening the cuts.

One was clamping at my knee and the other was trying to get my throat. He only made a cut before a bullet lodged itself in his heart. He fell limp on my back. I still had to take care of the last one.

I pushed the dead weight off and took a grip around the throat of the last one. His grip on my knee tightened as much as mine was on his throat. A new wave of pain washed upon me as my knee knee shattered.

I whimpered in pain but didn't let go of my grip. Soon, he went limp. I continued tightly for ten minutes before letting go. I caught my cane who was on the ground near me and got up, my cane supporting all my weight.

I went toward Aïlis who was rocking herself back and forth, terrified and trembling, hiding her hears and closing her eyes. I taped lightly on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and fixed mine.

Two seconds and her arms where wrapped around my neck. I muffled a cry of pain and cringed. I sat myself back against a tree with her in my laps, crying.

I looked around and saw we were on a hill looking upon the field where the guys and Eriu were fighting. "Aïlis, can you go fetch this briefcase real quick?" I whispered in her hear. She nodded against my chest and cautiously went to take it and came back running to me.

She hugged me again, sobbing in my neck. I petted her back and told Gaby I had her with me before shutting off the talkie-talkie. Aïlis relaxed and her breath evened. I checked. She was asleep, than I opened the briefcase.


What's in the briefcase, what??? I don't know, try to guess!! See you next chapter reader. +-+ <3

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