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"you could have anyone you want,

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"you could have anyone you want,

why would you wanna be with me?

im nothing special."

JUNGWON walks into school with his younger friend for today, as he helps the struggling japanese boy with his homework.

"write the date first." he hums, thoughtfully, his voice calm and void of any hostility. he had a soft spot for riki. he always did, and he believes he simply deserves that treatment. the poor boy goes through enough as it is. 

plus, he can't help but feel affectionate towards the younger, who tries his best to seem strong, but, in his eyes, will always remain a baby.

"which is..?"


"what day of the week? im buzzed."

"in the morning?" jungwon snickers in disbelief, clicking his phone on for the exact date and time. "wednesday 27th september. its 8:19, so there's 11 minutes to get to homeroom. take my book." jungwon hums, patting the youngers' back encouragingly. "and don't get into trouble again, for God's sake."

"okay, hyung. see you later." riki beams, patting his head affectionately.

in the meanwhile, jihye stands by the homeroom of class 4-5, the class in which minjun once reigned. he used to work with arin, and she can't help but feel the need to talk to arin before she breaks into the camera system with jungwon. 

arin and minjun were never close - acquaintances at the least. that meant they had no disagreements either, which would mean arin would have no motive for his disappearance whatsoever.

but it's better safe than sorry.

she opens her phone to check if jungwon noticed her message, urging him to meet her outside 4-5's homeroom. he hasn't yet, but she's already caught sight of arin.

"oh, arin!?" jihye calls out, waving a hand with a polite smile.

she raises an eyebrow, simply waving back with a tight smile, tilting her head slightly in question. "morning, jihye. is everything alright?"

"yeah. i was wondering. can me and jungwon talk to you real quick?"

she straightens her back, clearing her throat as she brushes a hand through her hair, patting her uniform down. "oh! uhm, sure. you and.. jungwon?"

"yeah. is that alright?"

"yeah, yeah, that's fine. you won't be long, right? homeroom starts soon."

"no, of course not."

"so.." arin chuckles, tucking her hair behind her ears. "do you two.. get along now, then?"

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄.양중원Where stories live. Discover now