but the car :(

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'Even if my heart stops beating

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'Even if my heart stops beating

You're the only thing I need,

Even if the Earth starts shaking,

You're the only thing worth taking.'

'wednesday, 3rd october, 5:12pm.'

JIHYE leaves her house in a hurry, the only thing on her mind being her baby cat.

he's literally a baby. he's never been outdoors before. he's not supposed too. he's an indoor cat.

jihye can't help but fear the worse.

she rushes down her road in a panicked frenzy, her eyes blurred with tears and fear. her cat, in all honesty, is her only company when she's at home, and she can sense that her family is falling apart by the minute.

she adopted him, she cleans his litter box, she feeds him.

why her mom feels so entitled as to letting her own cat out into the wild is beyond her--

but she's fuming.

"milo!? milo!" she bellows, her voice quivering with both distress and determination. She sniffles, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, trying her best to keep herself shut out - a life skill taught to her from a young age. don't let anyone see your vulnerability, even when you're so unbearably sad you can't walk properly.

the rain, despite her usual love for misty, stormy weather, isn't doing much to help, rather putting her into more misery.

her poor baby cat. drenched in cold rain and scared.

she brings her phone out, dialing her dad with a shaky hand. he responds almost imminently, despite being at work.

"hello, baba. is everything okay? you never call." her dad's unchanged warm voice radiates over her phone, providing the tiniest, tiniest sliver of comfort.

"appa!" she cries out, before starting to literally sob her heart out. she knows it's childish, and she knows it's embarrassing, but she can't help it. she's so used to shutting herself out from the world when it comes to expressing her emotions, emotions that very much need to be expressed. her dad clears his throat, voice tinged with concern.

"is your location on?" her dad speaks warmly, as jihye sniffles, mumbling a barely-coherent "yeah.." as a response. her dad cuts the call, and, knowing him, he's rushing out of whatever he's doing at work to find her.

if no one has her back, her dad will.

if the whole world turned against her, her dad would stay.

she sits by the bench on the now all-familiar 7/11, contemplating if she should contact jungwon or not–

but some things need to stay private.

and this situation is one of them.

she jumps up from her seat as she notices her dad's car rolling up, launching herself onto her dad, who hugs her, hand on her head protectively. "its okay, it's okay. appa's here now, okay? just breathe, baby. don't cry, don't cry." he hums softly, which does nothing but make her cry more. she's not sure why God blessed her with such a loving dad, and she's not exactly sure if she necessarily deserves him, but either way, she needs him.

she needs her dad, and she needs her damn cat.

"mom let milo out. its cold and it's raining, and he can't go out because he's 9 months old and he's an indoor cat and-" her dad squeezes her cheeks to stop her from rambling, before laughing. "sorry, baba. i forget you're not 7 anymore, sometimes. stop stressing, okay? we'll find him. and ill be having a word with your mom." he hums softly, voice warm- his newfound resolve and determination to bring his beloved, and only daughter, her cat back. "wait here." he declares, jogging into 7/11, walking back out with a peach jelly drink and a bag of cat treats.

and so both jihye and her dad roam around the streets of their neighbourhood, shaking the cat treats, aswell as yell milo's favourite words (which include 'food,' 'treats' and 'snack time,') - but there's still no sight of milo, and jihye's growing distressed yet again.

It's growing late already, the atmosphere growing colder, and darker, as jihye's dad hugs her, pressing a firm kiss to her head. "im sorry, baby. don't cry. we'll find him. lets head home."

jihye opens her mouth to protest, but she knows, unfortunately, that her dad is right. they've been looking for so long, and there's no sight of milo, so they might as well go home.

but thinking about seeing her mom again fills her with dread, her form shaking- (from the cold, and from pure, unsolicited fear.)

"appa?" she weakly calls out, voice hoarse.


"can you buy some lemon and ginger honey tea, please?"


ruining jihye's life from here :3 jokes (or am i joking) im locking in so hard rn i need to start drafting like you a little anyways heres my daily life drop



love u guys xxxx

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