no place like home

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'After last night, I think I'm in love with you,

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'After last night, I think I'm in love with you,

Woke up and I can't get you out my head.'

'sunday, 1st october, 9:12am.'

JUNGWON waddles downstairs, stepping over the bundles of mess sprawled across his house. that's the aftermath of chuseok, it seems. his house feels eerily empty in the absence of his family members, and, in all honesty, he's a little excited to see jihye in school tomorrow. 

he's also extremely intrigued as to whatever her dad was talking about, but then again, he knows it's really not his business.

"morning, halmeoni." he hums, pressing a chaste kiss to his beloved grandma's forehead.

"good morning. did you have fun yesterday?" she hums softly, as she brushes pastries with egg yolk. 

jungwon nods in response, a small smile growing on his face at the recollection of yesterday. "yeah, i did. i forgot that eomma and appa weren't coming in the first place."

jungwon rummages around the kitchen, cutting into a quick slice of (homemade) bread for a efficient breakfast. he needs to take maeum for a walk, and then buy some snacks for his study sessions tonight.

he bids farewell to his grandma as he puts maeum on a leash, stepping outside into the cold autumn breeze. he shivers a little as maeum happily pants, her little paws stomping on the muted leaves. yeah, cleaning up dog shit isn't really the nicest thing to do on a sunday morning, but as long as he spends time with his puppy, he's content.

he leashes maeum on the gate in front of the 7/11 he's now so used to, (because of jihye's abnormal eating schedule) kneeling in front of his dog. "sit." maeum sits, tilting her head curiously. "good girl. ill get you a treat." jungwon hums, ruffling her fur, as he stands to enter the shop.

as he roams the aisles of the harshly-lighted convenience store, he firstly picks up a packet of dog treats, taking a stop in front of the drinks section.

peach jelly.

he picks up the intensely-pink drink as he scrutinizes it. he recognises it, too.

jihye's favourite drink.

for some reason, that girl always has that exact drink on her. she must like it a lot.

so he buys it.

two-- one for him, one for her.

he picks up some snacks for himself, pays, and walks back home, content with his jam-packed, yet leisurely weekend.

he picks up some snacks for himself, pays, and walks back home, content with his jam-packed, yet leisurely weekend

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last night was a nightmare.

for jihye, at least.

her mom was in her usual raging mood as she came home yesterday, and, per usually, she took it out on her dad.

jihye stands in her bathroom, taking her makeup off, as she overhears her parents having another screaming match.

"why the hell did you not tell me!?"

"because you would've said no!"

"yes, i would've. you, as my husband, should respect that!"

"how can i respect that when you're robbing our daughter of her childhood?"

"childhood? she's fucking 17!"

"don't swear at me. calm yourself."

jihye sighs, pulling her pyjamas on and slumping on her bed, falling asleep in seconds.

she won't let her mom ruin another good day.

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jihye groans, waking with a horrid headache and an aching back. she clicks her phone on, to check the time.

'sunday, 1st october, 13:43pm'

she sighs in withering pain, reaching for her water bottle. she chugs it down, massaging her temple with new found fevor.

everything hurts.

she ambles downstairs, her mom sat with a cold, unreadable expression as she scrolls on her phone. "jihye."

"..yes, mom..?" she mutters, looking down as she reaches for paraceptamol.

"extra piano today, i've already booked it. you're studying 4 hours instead of 2, despite it being a sunday. i'd appreciate if you would listen to me, next time." 

"but-" she protests, with a frown. how is this fair!? she just wanted to enjoy one day of fun. one day.


"nothing, mom." she mutters, taking her medicine, and stumbling up the stairs, defeated. no breakfast. did she really commit some sort of crime against humanity? why is her mom being so strict about it all?

and as she sits by the grand piano in the hallway, her dad peaks from his room, (yes, her parents sleep seperately,) tiptoeing, and handing her a breakfast bar. "you're lucky i keep these in my room, huh?" he chuckles, kissing her forehead before moving to the kitchen.

jihye loves her dad.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄.양중원Where stories live. Discover now