normal day, normal girl

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''wish I was the typa girl that you take over to mama,

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''wish I was the typa girl that you take over to mama,

the typa girl I know my daddy, he'd be proud of."

FRIDAY 22nd september was a very mundane day.

it was the usual - you know, school day. the same as every other day, all students - including that of jihye and jungwon, working through their respective classes. the two share most of their respective classes, which means it was a normal, mundane day for him too.

and if you think about it, they're so similar, its funny.

because they hate eachother.

but at the same time, they're so different. almost opposites - jihye can never keep her mouth shut, and jungwon can never open it in the first place.

since freshmen year, they'd always had a quiet, unspoken rivalry.

this year, they made sure to vocalise it.

of course, over time, they're really supposed to.. well, learn how to get along with each other, seeing as they have to work with each other on the daily. being class president representatives are hard, tedious jobs, which require a lot of teamwork. which can be achievable, if jungwon and jihye would decide to stop bickering for one day.

on this particular day, its two weeks since senior year started. friday, 22nd september - the first student council meeting of the year, with many more to come every friday after school. but before that, jihye and jungwon have a lot of paperwork to get through, during lunch time.

they're pre planning a camping trip for their year and the juniors in march, and it turns out to be a lot more work then you'd think.

and jungwon is not looking forward to it.

jungwon's there early, finishing off his lunch as he wipes the whiteboard clean. he's a bit of a clean freak, which is the main reason why he isn't looking forward to camping in the wild.

"you do realise you don't have to clean the board? our job is to finish off the paperwork, not clean after sophomores." jihye drawls, entering, which makes him jump a little.

"well.. i just don't like how it looks all messy." he shrugs, spraying it one last time and giving it a one over.

that's another thing.

jungwon is an absolute clean freak.

he hates the prospect of anything not being dirty. anyone would, really, but god, he takes it to another level. and he's also the most awkward person you could ever meet. he really struggles to.. well, talk, and, so, that's why he took the class president role 3 years ago.

he doesn't regret it.

it's helped him out a lot with his confidence, but it just doesn't help when you have a 5'4 gremlin picking on you 24/7. 

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄.양중원Where stories live. Discover now