121 - No matter what it takes - Episode 22

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Episode 22 Finale - Murder on the Urge

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Episode 22 Finale - Murder on the Urge

"That idiot!" I said, pacing my room frantically. "That moron! What was she thinking?!"

Sebastian gazed up as I continued pacing my room. "Master, if you'd take a moment to let me know your thoughts, I beg you."

I stopped then, shooting him a look. "You saw the note, don't give me that!" I then pointed to the direction of her room. "She found the mastermind, yes! Something I have yet to do! She found her! She has the evidence! And yet she decides leaving herself alone in her bedroom and waiting for me is the best idea?! Knowing there's a killer on the loose?! That MORON!"

Sebastian just lowered his lashes. "You were so calm and collected before, and now you're freaking out."

"This used to be a game," I said then, glaring at him. "Now it's a threat. You know this. You were calm before and now you look as stiff as a statue. You can't hide that from me."

He just kept his gaze to mine. "Master, there was no evidence of the murderer in her room. I have a suspicion that her thoughts to you were merely speculation."

"And they were correct," I said then, gazing over at him. "Because if they were not, she wouldn't have been killed."

He remained silent then.

I just closed my eyes tightly. "The murder is getting messy and less planned. Madam Deneise was murdered by stabbing of the brain. The killer hit her in the head with a vase, and it shattered against her head. They then took of the pieces, puncturing one of her eyes all the way through. Immediate death."

Sebastian was silent for a moment. "Everyone had an alibi, though. All three suspects were with Cammie and Maddox, everyone else were in each other's rooms. None of this makes sense, I'm afraid."

"Not if there's someone else on the ship," I said then, making his lips part. "Someone that you're suspicious of."

Sebastian's lips thinned, and he set his arms against his sides. "Master, surely you aren't suggesting that I know the killer."

Black Butler: Red - Part 2 (Sebastian Michaelis Fanfiction) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now