157 - Just... try to stay alive - Episode 42

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Episode 42 - Church of Sin

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Episode 42 - Church of Sin

"Oh, my," Grell said, holding his chainsaw over his shoulder as we all stood outside an abandoned town. "So of all places to sin, they chose a church? Isn't that just... so ironic?"

"What's ironic is that stereotype of those pastors who fuck little boys," Carter said then.

Sebastian spared him a glance. "Carter, language."

"Yes," I said, smirking as I walked forward, "please, don't alert everyone else of Sebastian's favorite pass time."

He spared me an amused glance, but I just stepped up to the church's front entrance.

But my foot caught on a small dent in the porch, the heel of my shoe sinking in, and I cried out when my ankle rolled out from under me.

A shock of pain struck through my every being, but I caught myself before I fell.

"Master!" Sebastian said, running up to me. "Are you alright?"

"Did she hurt herself?" Cammie said then, stepping forward as Scarlet and the other two scanned for threats.

I breathed shakily, but Sebastian just caught under my arm. "Yes," I said then, "just a dent in the sidewalk, is all."

The moment I stepped forward, something sharp struck up my leg, and I cried out, falling forward.

Sebastian caught me before I fell.

I just winced, a bead of sweat slipping down my forehead. "Goddamn it. Figures. Right before the big fight, too."

"Master, let me see," he said gently, helping me down onto the ground.

I watched hazily as he lifted my foot and lightly slid off my shoe.

Another slice of pain cut through me when my ankle bent, and I closed my eyes tightly, whimpering.

I kept my body tight as he pulled off my sock, and when I opened my eyes, I saw all other servants gathered around me.

Black Butler: Red - Part 2 (Sebastian Michaelis Fanfiction) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now