Hidden Pages (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)

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The Hogwarts library was quieter than usual, bathed in the soft glow of enchanted lamps. It was the perfect place for secret meetings. Y/n L/n, a Slytherin with a penchant for mischief and charm, slipped through the rows of bookshelves with practiced ease. His heart raced with a mix of anticipation and excitement. Tonight was another one of his secret meetings with Hermione Granger.

As he reached their usual spot—an alcove tucked away behind a towering bookshelf—he spotted Hermione already waiting. She was seated at a small, round table covered with stacks of books and parchment. Her usual bushy hair was down, framing her face, and her eyes sparkled with joy when she saw him.

"Y/n," Hermione greeted softly, her voice full of warmth. "You made it."

Y/n smiled, his expression softening as he crossed the space to her. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek, a gesture that had become as familiar to him as it was precious. Hermione blushed slightly but returned his smile, her hand reaching for his.

"How was your day?" Hermione asked, her eyes shining with genuine interest.

"It was tolerable," Y/n said, settling into the seat across from her. "Though it's always better when I get to see you. How about yours?"

"Busy as usual," Hermione replied with a chuckle. "But it's worth it to have these moments with you."

They talked quietly, their conversation weaving through various topics—recent classes, magical theory, and shared interests. It was a reprieve from the chaos of their lives and the pressures of their houses. In these secret meetings, they were just Y/n and Hermione, not defined by their house affiliations.

"I found something interesting in the restricted section today," Hermione said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. She pulled out a book and opened it to a specific page. "This text has some fascinating information about ancient magical artifacts."

Y/n leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "Show me."

As Hermione explained the details, Y/n watched her with admiration. Her passion for magic was infectious, and he couldn't help but marvel at how much he enjoyed these moments with her. It wasn't just about the secrets they shared; it was about the connection they had built.

"Do you ever think about how different things would be if people knew?" Hermione asked, her voice tinged with a hint of worry.

Y/n took her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Sometimes. But I think it makes our moments together even more special. We get to be ourselves without all the expectations and judgments."

Hermione smiled, her worries seeming to fade. "You're right. I wouldn't trade this for anything."

They continued to talk, their voices mingling with the quiet ambiance of the library. The world outside seemed far away, and for those few hours, it was just the two of them, hidden away in their own little sanctuary.

As the hour grew late and the library began to empty, Y/n stood up, offering Hermione his hand. "Shall we?"

Hermione took his hand, standing with him. "Yes, let's."

They shared a final, lingering kiss before parting ways, each heading back to their respective common rooms. Despite the secrecy and the challenges, they knew that these moments were worth everything. In the hidden pages of their lives, they had found a love that transcended the boundaries set by their houses, a love that would continue to grow in the quiet corners of Hogwarts.

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