Echoes of the Past (Della Duck x Eagle Inventor Husband Reader)

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The soft hum of machines filled the large, dimly lit lab as Y/n sat at his workbench, tools scattered around him. His broad wings cast long shadows across the walls, and his powerful talons idly drummed on the surface of the table. His golden eyes, one natural and the other a glowing mechanical replacement, were fixed on a worn photo—a snapshot of a happier time, a time when everything seemed perfect.

In the photo, Della Duck stood beside him, her bright smile matching his. Between them were three eggs, carefully nestled in a soft, warm blanket. They were a promise of their future, a symbol of the family they were building together.

"I'm going to be the best mom ever," Della had said, her voice filled with determination and love. "And these little guys are going to be the best adventurers the world has ever seen."

Y/n chuckled softly, his heart aching as he remembered the names she had chosen for their unborn children—Jet, Turbo, and Rebel. Della had spent hours thinking about those names, imagining the lives their sons would lead.

"They'll be just like us," she had said, leaning into his side as they sat on the porch of McDuck Manor, watching the sunset. "Brave, smart, and a little bit reckless."

He had wrapped his strong wings around her then, pulling her and the eggs close, as if to shield them from the world. In those moments, he had believed that nothing could ever go wrong.

But fate had a different plan.


The lab was suddenly filled with the sound of beeping alarms, snapping Y/n out of his reverie. His keen eyes flickered to the source of the noise—an old monitor displaying the trajectory of the Spear of Selene.

He remembered that day vividly, the day Della had decided to take the ship for a test flight despite his and Scrooge's warnings. "Della, please," he had pleaded with her, standing at the launch pad, his massive wings slightly flared in concern. "We can wait, we can make sure everything is perfect. You don't have to do this."

But Della, stubborn as ever, had only grinned at him from the cockpit. "I know what I'm doing, Y/n. Besides, what's an adventure without a little risk?"

"Too much risk," Scrooge had grumbled beside him, his concern masked by his usual gruffness. "Come back, Della. Let's talk about this."

But Della had already made up her mind. With a final wave, she had engaged the engines and taken off into the sky, leaving Y/n and Scrooge standing helplessly on the ground below.

Y/n's heart had pounded in his chest as he watched the ship climb higher and higher until it was just a speck in the sky. The alarms, the warnings, the frantic calculations—they had all come too late. He could only watch as the Spear of Selene disappeared into the void, taking Della with it.


Years had passed since that day, but the pain remained fresh, as sharp as the day he lost her. His body bore the scars of his attempts to bring her back—his right arm and left leg replaced by cold metal, and an eye that no longer saw the world as it once did.

He had tried to build another ship, to reach the stars and find her, but his grief clouded his judgment. Mistakes were made, and in one final, catastrophic failure, he had paid the price. The explosion had taken more than just limbs; it had taken the last of his hope.

Y/n set the photo down and ran a hand over his right arm, feeling the cool, unyielding surface of the bionic limb. He had once thought that he could fix anything, but some things couldn't be repaired.

The door to his lab creaked open, and Y/n looked up to see three familiar figures standing in the doorway. Huey, Dewey, and Louie—his sons, now grown and full of life—smiled at him, their expressions a mix of excitement and concern.

"Hey, Dad," Dewey said, stepping forward. "We were thinking... it's time for a new adventure."

Y/n's heart swelled at the sight of them, the echoes of Della's spirit in each of their eyes. He stood, his mechanical leg whirring as he moved, and nodded. "Yeah," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I think it's time."

The four of them left the lab together, Y/n wrapping his large wings around his sons, the past lingering like a shadow but no longer a weight. There were new adventures to be had, new memories to be made. And maybe, just maybe, the future still held a chance for something more.


Far across the vastness of space, on the cold, desolate surface of the moon, a lone figure stood looking back at the Earth. Della Duck, her spacesuit a stark contrast against the dark lunar landscape, gazed at the distant blue planet. Her thoughts were a mixture of longing and hope, the same determination that had driven her to take the Spear of Selene still burning bright in her heart.

"I'll be back," she whispered to the stars, her voice carried away into the void. "I'll find a way home."

And with one final look, she turned back toward the remnants of the Spear of Selene, ready to continue her journey—an adventure not yet finished.

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