A Cup of Crazy (Madeline Hatter x Hook Son Reader)

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Ever After High was known for its vibrant, often whimsical characters, but no one embodied that spirit more than Madeline Hatter, the daughter of the Mad Hatter. With her bright teal hair, mismatched clothes, and an infectious laugh that could turn any day upside down, she was a breath of fresh air in the sometimes predictable world of fairy tales.

Y/n Hook, on the other hand, was far from predictable himself. As the son of Captain Hook, he had inherited a certain swagger, a love for the high seas, and a penchant for mischief. But what set him apart was his curiosity—a curiosity that had been piqued by the one and only Madeline Hatter.

However, there was one other character in Y/n's life that was even more unpredictable than Maddie. A tiny green crocodile, named Tick, who had a destiny as peculiar as his ticking sound. The little creature was no bigger than Y/n's hand, with bright, curious eyes and a mischievous nature that made him the perfect companion. Tick had taken to hiding in Y/n's jacket, occasionally poking his head out with a sound that reminded everyone of a clock ticking down—an ominous reminder of the prophecy that he was destined to bite off Y/n's hand one day.

One afternoon, Y/n found himself wandering through the Whispering Woods, a place known for its mysterious atmosphere and occasional bouts of strange happenings. But that didn't bother him—he was used to strange. In fact, he was hoping to find a certain tea party that was rumored to take place in these very woods.

As he followed a winding path, he heard the distant sound of laughter and the clinking of teacups. Smiling to himself, he quickened his pace, pushing through a thicket of trees until he stumbled upon a clearing. There, beneath a large, twisted tree, was a long table set with an assortment of mismatched teacups, teapots, and plates of the most unusual-looking pastries.

At the head of the table, pouring tea into a floating cup, was Madeline Hatter. She looked up as Y/n approached, her face lighting up with a grin.

"Ah, Captain Hook! Or should I say, Captain Crook? No, wait, that doesn't sound right—unless you're planning to steal some of my tea!" Maddie giggled, waving him over.

Y/n chuckled, taking a seat beside her. As he did, Tick poked his head out of Y/n's jacket, letting out a soft ticking sound. Maddie's eyes immediately widened with delight.

"Oh, who's this little one?" she asked, leaning in closer to get a better look at the tiny crocodile.

"This," Y/n said with a grin, gently lifting Tick out of his jacket, "is Tick. He's destined to bite off my hand one day, or so they say."

Maddie's laughter rang out like bells. "How delightfully dreadful! A ticking crocodile who's destined to bite off your hand? That's the most wonderfully wacky thing I've ever heard!"

Tick blinked up at Maddie, his tail swishing with excitement as she reached out to pet him. He responded with a series of rapid ticks, as if approving of her attention.

"You know," Maddie said, still giggling, "I think Tick and I are going to get along just fine. He's got that certain... 'tick-tock' charm!"

Y/n smiled, watching as Maddie interacted with the tiny crocodile. "He does have a way of growing on you. Even if he is a bit... foreboding."

Maddie winked at Y/n, cradling Tick in her hands. "Foreboding? More like adorable! And besides, isn't it nice to have a little reminder that life is always ticking away? It makes every moment just a little more exciting!"

Y/n couldn't argue with that logic. Life with Tick was never boring, and having Maddie in his life added an extra layer of unpredictability that he couldn't help but enjoy.

"Actually," Y/n said, leaning forward, "it's because you're the most unpredictable person I've ever met. And I mean that in the best possible way."

Maddie tilted her head, her expression softening. "Unpredictable, huh? Most people just say I'm a bit mad."

"And that's exactly what I like about you," Y/n admitted, his voice sincere. "You're not afraid to be different, to see the world in a way that no one else does. It's refreshing."

Maddie blinked, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Well, that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me. Usually, people are too busy trying to figure out what I'm talking about."

Y/n smiled, reaching out to take her hand. "Maybe they're not listening the right way. Or maybe they're just too scared to step outside of their own little worlds."

Maddie stared at him for a moment, her usual exuberance giving way to something more tender. She squeezed his hand, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "You're not like the others, Y/n. You don't just see what's in front of you—you see beyond it. Like me!"

Y/n laughed softly. "Maybe that's why we get along so well. We're both a little mad, in our own way."

Maddie's grin returned, and she pulled him up from his seat. "In that case, let's do something crazy! Let's dance around the table, sing songs that don't rhyme, and drink tea that tastes like sunshine!"

Y/n laughed, allowing himself to be swept up in her infectious energy. "Lead the way, Maddie. I'm all yours."

As they danced around the clearing, Tick joined in, his tiny tail swishing in time with their steps, adding a rhythmic ticking to their joyful chaos. The world spun with them in a whirlwind of color, sound, and laughter. For Y/n, it was the perfect escape from the expectations of being Captain Hook's son. For Maddie, it was a reminder that there was someone who understood her madness, someone who saw the beauty in her chaos.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the Whispering Woods, Y/n, Maddie, and Tick collapsed into chairs, out of breath but grinning from ear to ear.

"You know," Y/n said between breaths, "I think I could get used to this kind of madness."

Maddie giggled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Good! Because with me, it's always tea time, and the fun never ends."

Y/n reached for her hand again, his voice soft. "Then I guess I'm here to stay, Maddie."

Maddie's smile softened as she laced her fingers with his. "Here's to forever tea time, and to a madness that we share together."

Tick let out a satisfied tick, as if sealing the pact between them. In that moment, under the ever-changing skies of Ever After High, Y/n Hook knew he had found someone who made his world brighter, crazier, and infinitely more wonderful—Tick included.

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