Infernal Love (Megara (Disney's Hercules) x Son of Hades Reader)

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In the underworld, where flames flicker eternally and shadows dance to their own rhythm, Y/n, the son of Hades, stood out among the gloom. With a blend of his father's infernal nature and a heart that beat with genuine warmth, Y/n was a unique presence in the realm of the dead. His dark eyes, a reflection of the underworld's fiery essence, softened when he thought of her.

Megara, the enigmatic and beautiful woman who had once made a pact with Hades, now captured Y/n's heart. Their relationship was an unexpected twist of fate, one that defied the gloom of his family's domain. They had met during one of Meg's visits to the underworld, a meeting that had started with a spark of rebellion and evolved into something profound.

Today, the underworld was bathed in an unusual calm, a serene respite from its usual chaos. Y/n, standing atop the obsidian cliffs overlooking the River Styx, was lost in thought. His usual cool demeanor was softened by the anticipation of seeing Megara. She was due for a visit, and every moment apart felt like an eternity.

The echo of footsteps interrupted his reverie, and Y/n turned to see Megara approaching, her presence like a beacon of light in the darkened realm. Her eyes met his with a knowing smile, and in that instant, the world seemed to shift around them. Y/n's heart, normally steady and controlled, quickened at her sight.

"Hello, stranger," Megara greeted, her voice a melodic contrast to the usual harshness of the underworld. She reached out, her hand warm against his cold one. "I was beginning to think you might have forgotten me."

"Never," Y/n replied, his voice filled with a rare tenderness. "I could never forget you."

They embraced, the heat of their love momentarily dispelling the shadows that clung to the underworld. Y/n guided Megara to a secluded alcove where the flames cast a gentle, flickering light. It was their special place, where they could be themselves away from prying eyes.

"Tell me," Megara began, her gaze fixed on him, "what's been on your mind lately?"

Y/n hesitated before speaking. "I've been thinking about us, and our future. I know the underworld isn't exactly a place for love stories, but... I want to make it work."

Megara's eyes softened. "We're already making it work, Y/n. Our love isn't defined by where we are, but by how we feel about each other."

The sincerity in her words warmed Y/n's heart. He took her hand, pulling her closer. "I want to build something here, something that can withstand even the darkest moments. I want to make sure you know how much you mean to me."

Megara's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with affection. "And you've already done that, Y/n. Every time you're here with me, every moment we share—it's enough."

As they stood together, wrapped in each other's embrace, the underworld seemed to shift ever so slightly. The flames of the realm danced a little brighter, the shadows receded just a touch, and in that moment, it was as if the very essence of the underworld had been transformed by their love.

In the depths of the underworld, where despair and darkness were the norms, Y/n and Megara had carved out their own corner of light. Their love was a testament to the idea that even in the most unexpected places, true love could thrive and transform.

As they kissed beneath the eternal flames, their love became an inferno that burned brighter than any darkness, a promise of hope and a future together, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Unbeknownst to them, Hades observed from the shadows, his usual stoic demeanor softened by an unexpected emotion. Hidden behind a veil of darkness, he watched his son with a rare, proud smile. For once, the Lord of the Underworld allowed himself a moment of genuine happiness, silently cheering for Y/n and the love he had found.

In that quiet, hidden corner of the underworld, Hades' cold heart warmed just a fraction, and for the first time, the realm seemed to echo with a hopeful promise—one that resonated with the quiet pride of a father who had watched his son defy the odds and find a love that shone even in the darkest of places.

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