Heroic Bonds (Ochako Uraraka x Bakugo Brother Reader)

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The late afternoon sun poured through the windows of the Bakugo-Uraraka apartment, casting a warm glow over the living room. Y/n Bakugo sighed as he stepped through the front door, exhausted after a long day of hero work. His hero suit was dusty and scuffed, and his blonde hair was slightly damp from sweat. He placed his helmet on the kitchen counter, glancing at the clock. He had gotten home earlier than expected, which was a rare occurrence lately.

Laughter echoed from the living room, instantly softening the usual stern look on Y/n's face. He followed the sound, finding his daughter, Hana, playing on the floor with Ochako sitting beside her. Hana was holding her hands out in front of her, concentrating hard as small, glowing explosions floated in the air like bubbles. They popped gently, creating soft bursts of light that reflected in her red eyes.

"Daddy!" Hana's face lit up when she saw him, and she jumped to her feet, running towards him. Y/n scooped her up in his arms with ease, chuckling as she beamed at him.

"You're getting better at this every day, Hana. Soon, you'll be just as strong as Uncle Katsuki."

Hana giggled proudly, showing off a few more of her floating explosions before resting her head on Y/n's broad shoulder. Her blonde, spiky hair, so much like his own, tickled his neck as she clung to him.

Ochako stood up and joined them, her arms wrapping around Y/n's waist from behind as she rested her chin on his other shoulder. She smiled warmly at the sight of their daughter, her eyes softening with the love she had for their little family.

**Ochako (teasingly):** "Katsuki will never admit it, but he's secretly proud of her too. She might even outdo both of you one day."

Y/n smirked, pressing a kiss to the top of Hana's head. "She's got the best of both of us. But I'll take that challenge any day."

As they settled into the warmth of their home, a memory drifted into Y/n's mind—a memory of the day everything began.


**Flashback: U.A. High School**

The training grounds at U.A. buzzed with life as students practiced their quirks under the watchful eyes of their teachers. Y/n, a third-year at the time, had just finished an intense sparring session with his younger brother, Katsuki, both covered in sweat and grinning despite their exhaustion. But his attention was soon drawn to Ochako Uraraka, who was nervously approaching him with Mina Ashido not far behind, egging her on with an encouraging smile.

Mina practically shoved Ochako forward, and the brunette stumbled before regaining her balance, her face flushed with nerves.

**Mina (whispering loudly):** "Just do it, Uraraka! Now or never!"

Ochako turned to shoot Mina a look of panic, then turned back to Y/n, wringing her hands together. Her voice was shaky, but she mustered all the courage she had.

**Ochako:** "Y-Y/n... I... I like you. Like, really like you. A lot."

There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity to Ochako, her heart pounding in her chest. She half-expected Y/n to brush her off, or maybe even laugh at her confession. But then, to her surprise, a slow smirk spread across his face. He took a step closer, his presence both intimidating and reassuring.

**Y/n (smirking):** "It's about time you said something."

Before Ochako could fully process his words, Y/n leaned down and captured her lips in a confident kiss. Her eyes widened in shock, but soon fluttered shut as she melted into the kiss, her heart racing for an entirely different reason now.

Behind them, Mina let out an excited cheer, pumping her fists in the air. "Finally!"


**Present Day**

Back in the present, Y/n sat on the couch with Ochako beside him and Hana in his lap. The years had flown by since their time at U.A., but the memories were still vivid, and the bond between them had only grown stronger. Y/n glanced at Ochako, a soft smile on his lips.

**Y/n:** "Hard to believe how far we've come, huh?"

Ochako nodded, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Yeah... From that nervous girl who could barely get a word out, to the pro hero Uravity." She chuckled. "And you, from the explosive Bakugo brother to the number four hero, Atom-Bomb. I'm proud of you, Y/n."

Y/n hummed, running a hand through Hana's hair as she dozed off in his lap. "I'm proud of you too, Ochako. You've saved more lives with your rescue missions than I can count. Number twenty doesn't do you justice."

Ochako blushed at the compliment, smiling softly. "I'm happy where I am. We all have our roles to play. You, Katsuki, Izuku, Shoto—you're all out there fighting on the front lines, but I know I'm making a difference too."

Y/n nodded, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over him. Sure, he wasn't constantly battling for the number one spot like Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto, but he didn't need to. He had everything he could ever want right here.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow across the sky, the small family sat together in peaceful silence. Hana slept soundly in Y/n's arms, and Ochako's hand rested on his, their fingers intertwined.

**Y/n (softly):** "I may not be number one in the rankings... but with you two, I'm already winning at life."

Ochako smiled, her heart swelling with love for the man beside her. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, the warmth of their shared life enveloping them in a quiet, unspoken happiness.

As the stars began to dot the sky, Y/n kissed the top of Ochako's head, feeling the undeniable truth in his words. Being a hero wasn't just about rankings and fame—it was about the people you fought for. And as long as he had Ochako and Hana by his side, Y/n knew he was already the luckiest man in the world.

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