Moments in Time (Clara Oswald x Time Lord Male Reader)

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The TARDIS hummed quietly in the background, a familiar and comforting sound that Y/n had grown accustomed to over the centuries. He stood leaning against the console, watching the Doctor excitedly adjust controls, rambling on about their next destination. Y/n's mind, however, was elsewhere.

His eyes drifted to the far side of the room where Clara Oswald sat, her legs swinging playfully off the edge of a seat, completely at ease. Her dark eyes sparkled as she smiled to herself, probably thinking about the wild adventures they'd just had. Y/n couldn't help but smile too.

He had known Clara for what felt like lifetimes—though time was often meaningless in the TARDIS. From their first encounter to their shared near-deaths, she had become more than just another companion. She had become his world.

The Doctor continued to prattle on, but his words faded into the background as Y/n's thoughts lingered on Clara. He was no longer "the Watcher," passively observing the world, or even "the Keeper" in the strictest sense. With Clara, he was simply Y/n—a Time Lord who had found someone worth protecting. Worth caring for.

Suddenly, Clara's voice broke through his reverie. "Y/n, you're quiet today," she said, standing up and walking over to him. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, as if she could read his thoughts.

Y/n straightened, a soft grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Just thinking," he replied, his voice calm and deep. Clara tilted her head curiously, her dark hair falling to one side.

"About?" she pressed, a teasing glint in her eyes.

He sighed lightly, taking a step closer to her. "About how many times I've almost lost you," he admitted, his voice quieter now, more serious.

Clara's smile faltered slightly, and she looked up at him with those big, understanding eyes. "But you didn't," she said simply, as if that were all the reassurance needed.

Y/n looked down, his gaze intense but warm. "Not yet," he whispered. "But time isn't always on our side."

Clara stepped even closer, her hand reaching out to touch his arm. "We've had more time than most," she said softly. "And every second has been worth it."

There was something unspoken in her words, a mutual understanding that time was fleeting, even for them. But neither of them could live in fear of the inevitable.

Y/n reached up, gently cupping her face. "Clara," he began, his voice full of emotion that he rarely let slip through. "No matter what happens, I'll protect you. Always. You know that, right?"

Clara smiled softly, leaning into his hand. "I know, Y/n. You've always been there for me. And I'll always be here for you."

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. In the vastness of the universe, amid all the chaos and adventure, this was the one constant they had—each other.

The Doctor's voice suddenly interrupted the tender moment, his enthusiasm boundless as usual. "Ah! Here we are! The planet of infinite ice cream flavors! Clara, Y/n, you're going to love this!"

Clara laughed, stepping back from Y/n but giving him a lingering glance. "Looks like our next adventure awaits," she said, a playful grin back on her face.

Y/n nodded, his heart lighter now. "Lead the way," he said, watching as she joined the Doctor at the doors of the TARDIS.

As the doors swung open to reveal the new world, Y/n couldn't help but smile. No matter where or when they went, as long as he had Clara by his side, every moment was a moment worth living.

And maybe, just maybe, time would be on their side for a little while longer.

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