Legacy of Strength and Love (Torunn Thorsdóttir x M Banner Reader)

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city of Ultra-Tech. Inside the Avengers Tower, the next generation of heroes gathered, each preparing for their nightly patrol. Among them stood Y/n Banner, the son of Bruce Banner, known to the world as the Hulk. Y/n inherited his father's immense strength and towering rage but carried it with a calm resolve taught to him by those who raised him.

Tony Stark, their mentor and guardian, had always been there for Y/n, but unlike the others, Y/n had a bit more freedom in his upbringing. Tony believed in Y/n's potential to control his abilities without the constant supervision that the others required.

Y/n leaned against the balcony railing, his thoughts a swirl of emotions and memories. His father's struggles were a constant reminder of the battle within him, but there was another source of strength and comfort in his life—Torunn Thorsdóttir, the fierce and spirited daughter of Thor.

"Lost in thought again?" Torunn's voice broke through his reverie.

Y/n turned to see her standing there, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and warmth. "Just thinking about everything, about us."

Torunn stepped closer, her presence always having a calming effect on him. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"

"We have," Y/n agreed, his gaze meeting hers. "And I'm grateful for every moment."

Torunn smiled, a rare softness in her expression. "You know, you don't have to carry it all alone. We're a team, remember?"

Before Y/n could respond, the doors to the balcony slid open, and James Rogers, their leader, appeared. "Hey lovebirds, we've got a mission. Ultron's forces are on the move again."

Y/n and Torunn exchanged a quick, knowing glance. It was time to put their training and bond to the test once more.


The cityscape blurred as they moved swiftly through the streets, the sounds of battle already echoing in the distance. As they approached the conflict, the sight of Ultron's drones attacking innocent civilians fueled their determination.

"Y/n, take the left flank with Torunn. Azari, Pym, cover the rear," James ordered, his voice steady and commanding.

Y/n nodded, the familiar surge of energy coursing through him as he prepared to engage. "Ready?" he asked, looking at Torunn.

"Always," she replied, her sword gleaming in the dim light.

They moved in unison, a powerful force against the mechanical menace. Y/n's strength was unmatched, his fists smashing through drones with ease, while Torunn's blade danced with precision and fury.

In the midst of battle, Y/n felt the familiar tug of anger and rage, but this time, it was different. Torunn was beside him, her presence grounding him, reminding him of the control he had worked so hard to achieve.

"Stay focused, Y/n," Torunn called out, her voice cutting through the chaos.

With a deep breath, Y/n channeled his energy, using it to fuel his strength without losing control. Together, they fought their way through the swarm of drones, their teamwork and trust evident in every move.

As the last drone fell, they regrouped with the others, the threat neutralized for now. James approached, a satisfied smile on his face. "Great work, everyone. Y/n, you did good out there."

"Thanks, James," Y/n replied, glancing at Torunn, who gave him a proud nod.

Back at the tower, as they debriefed and settled down for the night, Y/n found himself once again on the balcony, the city quiet below. Torunn joined him, standing close.

"You did amazing today," she said softly.

"So did you," Y/n replied, turning to face her. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Torunn smiled, a warmth spreading through Y/n's chest. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"

"The best," Y/n agreed, reaching out to take her hand.

In that moment, under the stars, Y/n realized that his legacy was not just about his strength or his father's name. It was about the people he fought for, the bonds he formed, and the love he found along the way.

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