Knights of the Black Dragon's Oath (Asuna (SAO) x Male Reader)

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The 22nd floor of Aincrad was a rare sanctuary, far removed from the dangers that lurked on the frontlines. The sun bathed the landscape in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows over the forest floor. Y/N Kirigaya, commonly known as G/N within the virtual world, walked leisurely along the path that led to his log cabin, his hand gently intertwined with Asuna's. Their daughter, Yui, skipped ahead, her laughter brightening the peaceful atmosphere.

Y/N couldn't help but smile as he watched Yui dart between the trees, her small form a beacon of joy in this otherwise perilous world. He glanced down at Asuna, his wife and second-in-command, and felt a deep sense of contentment. The burdens of leadership, the endless battles, and the constant strategizing all seemed to fade in moments like these.

"It's so peaceful here," Asuna said, her voice soft and full of warmth. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Y/N nodded, understanding her sentiment. As the leader of the Knights of the Black Dragon's Oath, one of the most powerful guilds in Aincrad, he was used to the weight of responsibility. But here, on the 22nd floor, with his family by his side, he could almost forget about the dangers that awaited them on higher floors. Almost.

His thoughts drifted back to the beginning of their journey. The early days of Sword Art Online were a blur of chaos and fear. He remembered when he and Kirito, his younger brother, had teamed up for the first floor boss raid. It was during that mission that they met Asuna, a player whose fierce determination had immediately caught Y/N's attention. Together, they had defeated the boss, but while Kirito chose to continue solo, Y/N had stayed with Asuna. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, eventually leading them to form their guild.

The Knights of the Black Dragon's Oath became a beacon of hope for many players. With Asuna by his side, Y/N recruited those he could trust—Silica, their skilled beast tamer; Lisbeth, their talented blacksmith; and Agil, their reliable merchant. Together, they forged a path through Aincrad, determined to reach the top floor and escape this virtual prison.

But their journey wasn't without its challenges. Y/N had kept a close eye on Kirito, who had joined a small guild called the Moonlit Black Cats. Y/N knew his brother well—knew that despite his preference for solo play, Kirito had a strong sense of responsibility toward his guildmates. When the Moonlit Black Cats suffered a devastating loss, Y/N had been the one to offer them a place in his guild. He couldn't bear to see his brother struggle alone, and so the Knights of the Black Dragon's Oath grew even stronger.

The memories faded as Yui came running back to them, her small hands cradling a delicate blue flower. "Papa! Mama! Look what I found!"

Asuna let go of Y/N's hand and knelt down to examine the flower, her eyes bright with affection. "It's beautiful, Yui-chan," she said, gently brushing a lock of hair behind Yui's ear.

Y/N watched them with a smile, his heart swelling with love. He stepped forward, joining them in the small clearing where the flowers grew in abundance. "You have a good eye, Yui," he said, ruffling her hair playfully. "These are rare flowers. They only grow in peaceful areas like this one."

Yui beamed up at him, her happiness contagious. "Can we take some back to the cabin, Papa? I want to put them in a vase!"

"Of course," Y/N replied, chuckling. He looked over at Asuna, who had already started picking a few more flowers. "What do you think, Asuna? Maybe we could decorate the cabin a bit?"

Asuna stood up, holding a small bouquet of flowers. "I think it's a wonderful idea," she said, her eyes meeting Y/N's with a look that spoke volumes. "This place... it feels like a dream, doesn't it?"

Y/N wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "It does. But I promise you, Asuna, we'll make this dream a reality. We'll get out of here and live our lives together, in the real world."

Asuna leaned into him, her voice softening. "With you leading us, I have no doubt we'll make it."

Y/N looked down at Yui, who was carefully arranging the flowers she had picked. He felt a surge of determination. No matter how many floors they had to clear, no matter how many battles they had to fight, he would lead his guild to the very end—for the sake of his family, both in the game and out.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Y/N found himself looking up at the sky, silently reaffirming his vow. They would survive Aincrad. They would make it out—together.

For now, though, he allowed himself to enjoy this moment of peace, this brief respite from the trials that lay ahead. Here, on the 22nd floor, they were just a family—a family that would one day walk out of this game, hand in hand.

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