Olympian's Legacy (Marinette Dupain-Cheng x Male Miracoulous Holder Reader)

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The sun was setting over Paris, casting a warm, golden glow across the rooftops. Y/n L/n stood on the edge of the Eiffel Tower, the Olympian Pendant hanging from his neck. The pendant was a simple, yet ornate piece—a circular medallion with twelve gemstones arranged in a perfect circle, each representing one of the ancient Olympian gods. Inside the pendant, twelve powerful kwamis resided, each one a fragment of the ancient gods' power.

"Y/n," a small voice piped up. Leviathan, the sea serpent kwami of Poseidon, floated out of the pendant. "Do you sense it? There's something different about tonight."

Y/n nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "I feel it too, Leviathan. The city feels... tense."

As the holder of the Olympian Pendant, Y/n had been tasked with a heavy burden. The kwamis under his care were powerful, ancient beings with the abilities of their respective gods, and it was his responsibility to wield their power wisely.

His thoughts were interrupted by the soft tapping of a familiar presence landing beside him. He turned to see Ladybug, her red and black suit vibrant against the twilight sky.

"Ladybug," Y/n greeted, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Any signs of trouble?"

"Not yet, Olympian," she replied, using his hero alias. "But something's definitely off tonight."

The two heroes had been working together for some time now, their bond growing stronger with each mission. Y/n admired Ladybug's strength, her determination, and her unwavering sense of justice. But as Y/n, he had also come to admire Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl behind the mask.

And she, in turn, had started to feel something more for the mysterious Olympian who always had her back.

"Do you ever wonder," Ladybug began, her voice softer now, "why we were chosen? Why we're the ones who have to protect Paris?"

Y/n glanced at her, seeing the weariness in her eyes. She carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, much like he did.

"All the time," he admitted. "But I also know that we're the best chance this city has. We have these powers for a reason."

Ladybug nodded, though the doubt still lingered in her eyes. "It's just... sometimes I wish I could have a normal life, you know?"

Y/n's heart ached at her words. He knew exactly how she felt. The responsibilities of being a hero often clashed with the simple desires of their civilian lives. But before he could offer any comfort, a sudden explosion rocked the city below.

Ladybug and Y/n exchanged a glance, the moment of vulnerability slipping away as their instincts kicked in. They dove off the Eiffel Tower, racing towards the source of the disturbance.

As they neared the scene, they saw a new akumatized villain wreaking havoc in the streets. Without missing a beat, Ladybug swung into action, her yo-yo cutting through the air with precision. Y/n followed, summoning the power of Tempest, the Eagle kwami of Zeus.

"Tempest, let's bring the storm," Y/n whispered as the kwami merged with him, transforming him into his Olympian form. With a powerful flap of his wings, he summoned a gust of wind that sent the villain stumbling.

The battle was fierce but brief, the two heroes working in perfect sync to subdue the villain. As Ladybug captured the akuma and purified it, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at her skill.

Once the threat was neutralized, they regrouped on a nearby rooftop. The adrenaline of the fight still coursed through their veins, but there was also a sense of peace between them.

"You were amazing," Y/n said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Ladybug smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "We both were."

The city was safe again, but Y/n could see that the weight of her responsibilities was still heavy on her. Without thinking, he reached out and gently took her hand.

"Marinette," he said softly, breaking the barrier between their hero personas and their true selves. She looked up at him in surprise, her breath catching in her throat. "You're not alone in this. We have each other."

Tears welled up in Marinette's eyes, not from sadness, but from relief. She had been carrying so much on her own for so long, and hearing those words from someone who truly understood meant everything to her.

"I'm glad I have you, Y/n," she whispered, squeezing his hand. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Y/n's heart swelled with emotion. He had fallen for her, both as Ladybug and as Marinette, and now, holding her hand, he knew she felt the same.

"We'll figure this out together," he promised, his voice firm. "No matter what happens, I'm with you."

Marinette nodded, a small smile finally breaking through her tears. "Together," she echoed.

As the night deepened, Y/n and Marinette stood there, hand in hand, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.



The Olympian Pendant glowed softly around Y/n's neck as he walked Marinette home. The kwamis within hummed with approval, sensing the bond that had formed between their holder and Ladybug.

As Marinette reached her doorstep, she turned to Y/n, her eyes shining with affection. "Goodnight, Olympian."

Y/n grinned, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her cheek. "Goodnight, Ladybug."

As he walked away, Y/n felt lighter than he had in a long time. The weight of his responsibilities was still there, but now, he knew he didn't have to carry it alone.

And neither did she.

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