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When i finally exit the trial room, i see Jungkook leaning against the door, his arms crossed over his chest.

He gives me a slow once-over, his gaze smoldering as he takes in the change in outfit. "Nice," he says, his voice low and approving.

He notices the new outfit im wearing and whistles approvingly. "Look at you," he says, his voice filled with appreciation. "You look good enough to eat."

He pushes off the door and saunters towards me,
He looks me up and down, taking in my outfit. He's a bit disappointed that i covered up so quickly, but he can't deny that i look great nonetheless.

"You done already?" He asks, a hint of pout in his tone.

"Yeah ." I quickly avoided his gaze as i go to the billing counter .

Jungkook follows closely behind me as i head towards the billing counter. He's not pleased that im avoiding him, but he decides to play along for the moment.He can't help but chuckle at my quick stride, clearly trying to avoid him. He catches up to me and stands slightly behind me,He keeps his eyes on me, watching the way my hips sway with each step, the way the fabric of my outfit clings to my figure.
As i reach the counter, he stands next to me, his body close enough that i can feel his heat.
leaning against the counter.
The cashier scans the items im buying, and Jungkook watches as each item is totaled up, a smirk on his lips.

As i reach for my wallet to pay for the items, Jungkook's hand quickly shoots out and stops me.

"That won't be necessary," he says, his voice firm. "I'm paying."

He gives me a cocky smirk, clearly enjoying the opportunity to take care of the bill. ignoring the look of surprise and slight irritation on my face.

"No fine, i can pay" i insist..

Jungkook's smirk widens as he watches me protest, clearly enjoying my stubbornness.

"Doll, you clearly don't understand," he says, his tone growing more authoritative. "I'm the one who's paying. And that's final."

He leans in closer, his voice lowering to a murmur. "Besides, I want to spoil you. Let me do this."

As Jungkook watches the cashier total up the bill, he reaches into his wallet and pulls out a stack of bills, handing it to the cashier.
The cashier's eyes widen slightly as she counts the money, realizing the large tip Jungkook is giving. He simply grins and nods, indifferent to the cost.
Gathering the bags of clothing, he turns to you, his expression smug. "We're all set, doll." The cashier thanks him for the large tip, clearly surprised by his generosity. Jungkook merely shrugs it off, not caring about the amount he just paid.
As the cashier hands him the bags containing my new lingerie, he turns to me, a cocky smile on his face...

"But thats A huge tip jungkook" i whispered out..

Jungkook looks at me with a cocky grin as i comment on the size of the tip.
"Don't worry about it," he says, shrugging it off. "I want to treat the staff here nicely. Plus, I can afford it."
He takes the bags from the cashier, gesturing for me to go ahead. "Let's get out of here, doll. I have something else planned for us."

I looked at him curiously ..

Jungkook notices my curious expression as he guides me out of the store and into the busy street outside. He smiles, his expression almost mischievous.

"Don't give me that look, doll," he says, his voice low. "You'll find out what I have planned soon enough."

He holds my hand tightly, his grip firm as he leads me through the crowd.

THE JK   (21+)Where stories live. Discover now