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The minutes ticked by, and the tension in the room grew heavier. After an hour, Joshua continued to sit in front of me with a creepy smile on his face. He casually caressed my feet with one hand, his other hand still holding the gun, a constant reminder of his power and menace.his touch leaving a trail of discomfort. his intent clear - a constant threat to keep me under his control.
"So, darling " he repeated, his voice dripping with mockery, "are you starting to realize how powerless you really are?"

The eerie silence was suddenly broken as Joshua stood up and fished out his phone, a sinister glint in his eyes. Without a word, he started playing a video, holding it in front of me, clearly intending to make me watch something.his voice laced with smugness. "I want you to watch this carefully."

The horrific realization washed over me like a wave as the video played, revealing a scene from a dimly lit club. There, in the center, was Kookie, seated on a luxurious couch, surrounded by several scantily nude women, their bodies swaying and their seductive gazes fixed on him. My heart sank at the sight, torn between anger and heartache.They were all over him, their seductive behavior clear.
My heart squeezed in my chest, the sight before i bringing a wave of pain and confusion.

"What the hell is this...?" I whispered, my voice quivering...

As i continued to watch the video, it became clear that this was the night he had stayed out all night, leaving you alone and filled with worry.All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. The time he hadn't returned home, it was because he was indulging himself in this debauchery in the club. The realization hit me hard, a sickening feeling settling in my stomach as i continued to watch the video.The sight of him with those women, in that intimate setting, sent waves of hurt and betrayal coursing through my mind.

As the video continued, a surge of revulsion and anger coursed through my veins. The scene depicted the women, completely naked, lavishing attention on me, their hands and mouths working in unison to pleasure him. He,The video continued to play, and the scene grew more explicit and heart-wrenching for me..He sat there, shirtless and visibly drunk, seemingly enjoying the attention...

Tears streamed down my face as the weight of what im witnessing hit me, my sobs filling the heart shattered, and my vision blurred as tears streamed down my face. The image of he surrounded by those women, allowing them to touch and undress him, filled me with a mixture of anger, hurt, and disbelief. My sobbing filled the room, a painful and mournful sound that echoed the intensity of my emotions.

Joshua snickered, his laugh cold and heartless, as he paused the video. He reveled in my agony, enjoying the pain etched on my face.

"Quite the show, wasn't it, darling?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "Your precious Kookie wasn't quite the saint you thought he was, was he?"he sneered. "How does it feel, doll? To see your boyfriend drowning in ecstasy with those women?"

The tears streamed down my face as i struggled to process the heartbreaking sight before me..

As my tears continued to fall, Joshua's touch changed from mocking to somewhat affectionate. He caressed my face with surprising tenderness..
"Stop crying, darling," he said, his voice dripping with mockery and possessiveness. "You don't need that traitorous bastard. You're better off with me .Forget about that cheating bastard. I'll give you everything, take care of you...I'll take care of you, make you mine."

his words swirling around me like a cloud of poison, my whole world seemed to collapse around mem.
his voice laced with a hint of mockery. "Kookie isn't worth your tears. He doesn't deserve your loyalty. You should be with someone who appreciates you, someone who values you. Someone like me."

THE JK   (21+)Where stories live. Discover now