unforgettable 2

368 7 2

authors note - okay so basically i know your all pissed at me but i promise after this storyline everything will be okay again after ahah.
i'm not going to put the trigger warnings on here because i put them at the top of the last chapter so just go back if you want to have another look.

vivian has been going absolutely insane ever since we found out my baby's gender. she got me a burner phone and has been sending me truckloads of pictures of things she has bought for the little girl. i really love her for how involved she can be with a child that isn't her own.

in the house, roger has also been somewhat supportive. it took him a while to understand he can't hurt a pregnant woman, so he has turned to other breakable objects instead such as plates, mirrors, tables and honestly anything he can find. on the bright side at least he will be gone soon, although for a woman as kind and caring as vivian i would have never expected for her to make up the whole unhinged scheme, obviously she is not able to attend our little meetings as that would be a lot too risky but as far as i know mia and autumn have kept her quite updated.

in all honesty i'm not quite sure i even want to go through with it, it would be a shame really, all of this scheming and plotting all for nothing, endless hours spent overthinking every possibility. i can't help but wonder if i will be able to do this, the idea sounded so good, but i'm afraid the reality with knock me down right on my face. i've always been the coldest person in the room, the woman who "couldn't be talked to or trusted" but recently people have been very friendly with me as i've gotten closer to autumn and mia, people approach me a lot more often. i can't say i love the idea of people swarming by me but it definitely isn't the worst thing in the world, it will be essential for our plan to follow through.

the plan is quite straight forward really, at least we have the after bit covered. we can't take any chances of it being played as a murder, which means we will have to play the overdose card, luckily this won't be too unbelievable looking at roger's past. putting me in the hospital that one time has really came to bite him in the arse, it is an incredible advantage that he happens to be drunk or stoned all the time, even better that everyone knows he is always drunk and high.

another thing on my side is that roger owns most of our money and i am also a pregnant woman. this may not sound ideal but under the current circumstances, playing a pregnant woman that is mostly reliant on my partner it definitely eliminates any chance of suspicious activity pointing towards me.

i snap back into reality as marjorie walks into the office, i'm currently covering for autumn in the office.

"so uhm siobhan... how's the baby" she looks at me awkwardly and sits down. 
i look up at her and raise one eyebrow.


"are you alright siobhan? li-like in general."

"marjorie what are you waffling on about?"

"it's just that..." she fiddles with her fingers "i just see you spending so much time with yknow autumn and mia and i just can't help but feel a little left out..." she looks down at the floor.

" marjorie, you can't be serious?" i frown.

she looks back up at me. "i just wanted for you to like me too."

"marjorie believe it or not i do actually like you, well maybe not as far as 'like' but i definitely don't have a problem with you. i understand our past experiences have distanced us from each other and i'm sorry, i really am." i start to tear up.

she looks at me in shock.

"bloody hell siobhan those pregnancy hormones are really getting to you aren't they" she chuckles and pulls me in for a hug.

my instant reaction would be to shove her off me, but i can't help but feel comfortable in her warm embrace. as soon as she pulls away she puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.

"you're going to be an amazing mother siobhan"

i start to see her smile fade, i notice she has her gaze fixated on my shoulder. i take a look and see that my top has dropped a little on my arm and has uncovered numerous scars back from when roger used to hurt me.

my face drops as i look back at her. my hand quickly travels to my shoulder and cover the scars.

"siobhan i-" she attempts to say, before i run out of the office, tears down my face as i process what has just happened. as i make my way out of the nursery i can see marjorie looking at me out of the window

note - don't mean to piss you all off even more but i'm going on holiday again so no updates for a whole week 🫣

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