Beyond the surface.

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chapter 7.

          The group pressed on; their determination unwavering. The facility's labyrinthine corridors seemed endless, each turn bringing new dangers. Ivy led the way, her mind focused on finding Oliver and Daniella. The memory of Oliver's sacrifice and Daniella's bravery fueled her steps.

They reached a large, dimly lit chamber. The air was thick with tension, and the sound of machinery hummed ominously. Ivy signaled for the group to spread out and search for clues. As they moved cautiously, a faint sound caught Ivy's attention—a muffled cry.

"This way," she whispered, leading them towards a heavy metal door. She pressed her ear against it, hearing the faint voice of Daniella.

"She's here!" Ivy said, her voice filled with urgency. "We need to get this door open."

Asher and Diego, worked together to pry the door open. Nolan shot at the handle; Diego's eyes lit up with hope. With a loud creak, it finally gave way, revealing a small, dimly lit room. Daniella was huddled in the corner of a small bed, her face shocked but relieved to see her friends.

"Diego!" Daniella cried, rushing forward to embrace him. "I knew you'd come!" 

"We're getting you out of here," Ivy said firmly. "You can keep walking on your own or do you need help?"

"I can manage on my own thank you," Daniella replied.

As Ivy nodded Daniella went up to her squeezing her into a big hug. "I appreciate all of you." 

Ivy placed a reassuring hand on Daniella's shoulder. "We appreciate you too, Daniella," she said warmly. "Now come on, we need to find Oliver. Do you know where he was last?"

Daniella shook her head, her eyes filled with worry. "No... I don't, but the people on the speaker said they would be choosing someone to run tests on. And if you don't get picked then just stay in your rooms. I didn't get picked since nobody came to my room."

Nolan's eyes widened in shock and fear as memories flooded back. He remembered the tests they had run on him, the excruciating pain and the terror of not knowing if he would survive. They had tested his brain compatibility with the creatures they called dreadlings. It was a dangerous process, one that could easily result in death. Nolan had only made it out alive because his friend had helped him escape.

His voice grew heavy with sadness as he spoke. "Those tests... they're brutal. They test your brain's compatibility with the monsters you call dreadlings. It's a life-or-death situation. I only survived because my friend got me out in time."

The group fell silent, the gravity of Nolan's words sinking in. Ivy's resolve hardened. "Then we don't have a moment to lose. We need to find Oliver just in case he's being tested on, and before it's too late."

Nolan stepped forward; his face determined. "I remember where it is. It was down one of the side corridors upstairs, they haven't changed much around here so it should still be there."

"Good memory," Ivy said, giving him a grateful nod. "Let's head there."

As they made their way back through the facility, the group encountered more seekers. Ivy and the others fought fiercely, protecting each other at all costs. The bond between them grew stronger with each battle, their determination unwavering.

They did everything to block them from passing, but what these seekers still failed to realize is the fact that these are teenagers that will do whatever it takes for their friends.

"I'll kill any of them who block us," Ivy said, her voice steady.

The group got ready. Ivy and Nolan in the lead, her pistol now ready. "Stay close and cover each other," she instructed.

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