Unique advances

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Chapter 16.

                Ivy sat on the floor, her back against the wall, trying to steady her breathing. The broken camera lay in pieces on the ground, a small victory in her otherwise bleak situation. She knew it wouldn't be long before someone came to check on her. She had to be ready.

The silence in the room was oppressive, but Ivy's mind was racing. She needed a plan. She couldn't just sit here and wait for them to come. She looked around the room, her eyes scanning every corner for anything that could help her. The nightstand, the table, the chairs, the bed—none of it seemed useful now. Her gaze shifted to the bathroom. The cup, toothbrush, and other things were still there.

She stood up and walked to the bathroom, her hands slightly throbbing from the effort. She turned on the faucet and let the cold water run over her knuckles, the pain a sharp reminder of her determination. As she washed the blood away, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, eyes filled with a mix of fear and resolve.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. Her heart skipped a beat. They were coming. Ivy quickly dried her hands and grabbed the cup from the sink. She filled it with water and took a sip, trying to calm her nerves. She needed to think fast.

She walked out of the bathroom positioning herself near the door, the cup still in her hand. The footsteps grew louder, and she could hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. Ivy's mind raced. She had to act now.

The door handle jiggled, but the chair she had wedged under it held firm. There was a moment of silence, then a loud bang as someone tried to force the door open. 

She grabbed the table and pushed it against the door, adding another barrier. The banging continued, more insistent now. Ivy's heart pounded in her chest. She needed to find a way out, but there were no windows, no vents, no escape routes.

Her thoughts turned to her friends. She knew they were all in similar situations, each of them trapped and isolated in a room just like hers. She had to find a way to help them, but first, she needed to get out of this room.

The door finally gave way, and two guards burst into the room, their expressions grim alongside Mr. S. Ivy stood her ground, her fists clenched, ready to fight if she had to.

"Step back," one of the guards ordered, his voice cold and authoritative.

Ivy stood quiet and remained in her position. "Get her." Mr. S, demanded.

With that the guards exchanged a glance, then moved towards her. Ivy's heart raced, but she didn't back down.

As the guards grabbed her arms and started to drag her out of the room, Ivy's mind was already working on the next step. She wouldn't give up. She couldn't. They had to escape, and she would do whatever it took to make that happen.

She recognized the path—they were taking her to the same room where she had fought before. The memory of that encounter sent a shiver down her spine. The room was large, empty, and plain, just as it had been the last time.

The guards threw Ivy into the room with a rough shove, and she stumbled, barely catching herself before hitting the floor. She looked up to see Mr. S standing behind a glass panel above her, his expression cold and unyielding.

"You've disrespected us, Ivy," Mr. S said, his voice echoing through the room. "Breaking the camera, defying our authority—you need to understand that there are consequences for your actions."

Ivy glared up at him, her fists clenched at her sides. "Nothing you say can scare me anymore."

Mr. S's lips curled into a cruel smile. "You think you're so brave, don't you? Battling dreadlings, breaking cameras. But bravery has its limits. It seems risking your life multiple times wasn't enough to teach you a lesson. So, we're going to raise the stakes."

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