Capitolul 18

354 31 1

'Stop that!'' Barbatul se apropie de patul in care se afla, mergand apasat, cu mainile bagate in buzunare si cu o privire incruntata. ''You're not fooling anyone!''

''Ok, ok....'' Fata I se insenina si un zambet se ivi. ''You should have seen him...he was gelous and really mad.... I like him.'' Se aseza pe marginea patului ei si o saruta pe obraz.

''Why are you here?''

''What? I flew around the world for you and you just ask me that? Aren't you happy i'm here?''

''It's a bad time! He doesn't know about you and me and the rest ....''

''Ok. I'm here for you. When you didn't answer I got worried so I called Marcus. He told me about the operation. I'm here for you.'' ii zambi si o mangaie usor pe obraz.

''Sorry. I'm not in the mood.''

''You hurt? Want me to call the doctor for you?''

''I'm fine.''

Barbatul ii mangaie mana absent si descoperi inelul de la Vic. Il studie atent.


''His last name. Maxim.''

Isi rotea ochii prin incapere de parca inceca sa isi aduca aminte de ceva sau de cineva.

''I know that name. What does he do?''

''He's with me.'' il privi pe sub gene, raspunzandu-i scurt.

''Ohh... well, maybe another Maxim. I made some deals with him a while back. Maybe a father or uncle or something. Whatever....''

Daca Mike isi aduse aminte de un Maxim, poate vorbea despre tatal lui Vic, Peter. Se stia ca el intrase in niste afaceri ilegale. Desi detine o firma de logistica, DNA-ul l-a gasit cu acte false si niste trasnporturi ilegale de marfuri intre diferite tari ale lumii. Nu ar mira-o pe Liv daca se ocupase si de transportul drogurilor. Din cate aflase ea, era un maniac fara scrupule. Il interesa doar banii si nu il deranja sa ii obtina prin toate mijloacele posibile.

''When are you going home?''

''What's today?''

''Aaaa...monday....the 29th I think. Why?''

''Maybe I can talk to the doctor. I don't want to spend New Year's Eve in the hospital.''

''I'll go talk to him...stay here.'' o saruta pe frunte si se ridica.

''Where the hell would I go?''

Mike o privi zambind si isi dadu seama nu prea poate sa se deplaseze. Privi prin salon si nu vazu nici un carucios sau vreun dispozitiv care sa o ajute. Chicoti scurt si ii starni o stare de nervi lui Livie.

''Sorry.'' ignora privirea ei furioasa si iesi din salon in cautarea doctorului.

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